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serious problem please read!


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Hi guys, your probably familiar with that brass key lure near edgevile (speed game) but what actually happened was I was playing runescape on the osbot client and i was going to that place near eddgevile where the hill giants are and this guy tried scamming me saying take these item and go drop your stuff and i will give you my phat etc, I already knew about that scam but I needed a brass key to get in so I played along with it to get a free key but after he traded me I went in and as soon as i got in the bot just started dropping all of my stuff on its own. I don't know if its a glitch if they give you certain items it does that or what but yeah if anyone knows what the go is there please let me know.

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Hi guys, your probably familiar with that brass key lure near edgevile (speed game) but what actually happened was I was playing runescape on the osbot client and i was going to that place near eddgevile where the hill giants are and this guy tried scamming me saying take these item and go drop your stuff and i will give you my phat etc, I already knew about that scam but I needed a brass key to get in so I played along with it to get a free key but after he traded me I went in and as soon as i got in the bot just started dropping all of my stuff on its own. I don't know if its a glitch if they give you certain items it does that or what but yeah if anyone knows what the go is there please let me know.

Did you have a script running? If so, why did you not stop it?

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Could be possible... depends how well the admins checked the script's code

The admins hand check the code for all the scripts to check for malicious code. It was not a virus in an SDN script.



no I had no script running

If that is the case, I have no idea what happened, but I know it was not the client. Scan your computer for malware.




im positive that i had no script running, i know it couldn't be possible that its the bot client doing it and my computer is completely virus free. But then again I dont know how this could be possible... 

It could have been a RAT, they are used for remote access (hence their name) and can take control away from you if the RATer connected when he was doing the lure??? this is all highly unlikely though....... 

Edited by Led Zeppelin
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