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shiv ruined my osrs pure


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i gave him a task to do 4 quests  and i got 1 defence now this used to be my stats: 



this are my stats now



he ruined my whole pure build

i saw that he trained my defence on osbuddy

i logged in on my account to check if he realy did i 

this is the skype conversation:


2 hours later :




please do something about this guy



proof that i wasnt at home while the service



as u can see here he said *brb i prhotoshop myself to 0 def*

when he started the service it was 1 defence 

and he knw that





the tos







when i logged in the account was in the g.e



the account is still standing in the ge with the same inventority as he left the account


link to his service: 

Edited by detentie
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Ok so he asked me to powerlevel for him, when I told him I'm only into questing.


He asked me How much would it cost 1-40 attack, and I asked him to give me names of quests and I'll do them.


We landed on 4 quests, for 2.1M, I started service right away and even completed 2 quests. Then I even notified him that its late for me, and I'll complete remaining 2 quests next morning, and I went to sleep, I wake up next morning, I go to college, When I return he's spammed my skype that he logged into account and it has 2 def. 


When I left the account it was 1 def, He logged in ( which was clearly stated in my TOS that he shouldn't until service is completed, else service would be cancelled ). 


And now he rages on my skype asking him to make an exact same account or refund 60M??


What proof does he have that I level'ed his account? He logged in while I was doing services, he could've done it himself too. 


Skype chat:









So now Please, don't pin this on me when its Owner fault for firstly breaking the TOS, then he never did specify it was a "DEF PURE" ?? And I DID NOT TRAIN THAT GODAMN DEFENSE.

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http://prntscr.com/c0oe05 removed me from skype


lies i logged in on the account cuz i saw in osbuddy that the account has 2 def i checked the accounbt on osbuddy to see how far u are and u trained 2 def when i left the account to you it had 1 defence i got proof for it


then he never did specify it was a "DEF PURE" ?? And I DID NOT TRAIN THAT GODAMN DEFENSE.


bro are you joking me? it was 1 defence aint that a little bit obvious then?
that it is a 1 *defence* pure on a 1 defence account?
as u can read for your self in the skype messenges that he shown i gave him a task to do 4 quests
1.st of all i gave u the task and defeat the bosses with magic
2.nd its a little bit obvious that it was a 1 defence pure
3.rd removed on skype? realy? no that seems legit *cough*
4.OFCOURSE i loggin to my account when i see on the hiscores 2 defence to check what the fk u did u ruined my account abviously i want to loggin to check it
5.all the proof is in the skype chats

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Placed in TWC, and asked to reply here. He needs to refund you for the service + account, we need a price check on the account from a few people.


thanks like i said to him i dont care about the money i can make a new acc and he can build exactly the same account but with 1 defence

but he said


(shiv) I hope you know how to read, ill deal with you on dispute thread now


so i guess i have to wait for your response

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He has no proof, Just a picture of stats which show account has 1 Defense. He must've saved an old picture and then trained it, or might have been Photoshop.

bro u have no proof either...?

ur the 1 hat has to proof u didnt do it mate

as far as i seen u have no proof either

its pathetic how u respond after training MY def to 2 and act like u dont know about it

are u serious mate? this is pathetic

then he never did specify it was a "DEF PURE"


this must be the reason why he trained defence

its so obvious if i tell u to only train my attack 1-40 with quests that u dont train def

+ are u realy that stupid? it was so abvious that it was an 1 defence pure


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He has no proof, Just a picture of stats which show account has 1 Defense. He must've saved an old picture and then trained it, or might have been Photoshop.

Luckily for us, you provided us with the screenshot where you got level 27 magic. Adding up all the skills (taking into account level 25 ranged, a hiscore lookup showed that it was 25, so the maximum value at the time of that screenshot was 25)

The total level in that screenshot your provided was 828, but when adding up all the skills shown it comes down to 827. You forgot to photoshop the total level.


As @Maldesto has said before the flamefest on the thread, you will have to refund the service and the account. 

The account has been pricechecked by many people and the value is 40m. 

This means that you have to refund 42.1m. You'll have 48 hours to do so.

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