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Perfect Runecrafter AIO


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Thanks @jcouri18 I will do some debugging and add an update. I also recommend starting the script at castle wars but either is fine.

I will let you guys know when the new update gets released :D 

@goodie a lot of factors are present, did you overbot during weekend, did you bot on typical ban wave mondays, used breaks, botted tutorial, previously botted a lot on f2p etc etc.

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EDIT: New Update (v115)

- Added a bug fix for attempting to use resized mode with npc contact
- Bot now fully works with lavas, pouches, npc contact, rune pouch and stamina, no longer stays in bank with degraded pouches either
- Added pouch support for Nature rune store method
- Stability improvements in general
-- Added more accurate inventory detection, related to runes (noted and un-noted)
-- Added more accurate pouch detection for filling
-- Extended the InventorySequence to allow no-bank mode (suits un-noting system well)

Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys, script HUD will show v115.0 when the update is fully live.


@jcouri18 Just figured out an issue with your setup - make sure you have set the game resolution to Fixed mode, it will work. Right now the script is trying to select a fixed position for the npc contact spell, and if you are on resized resolution then the script will not be able to click the spell and continue onward.

Starting next version I will be auto-enabling fixed game resolution for maximum stability. Later on I will add some tweaks to allow resized to work ^^ :D

EDIT: I figured out a few ways to get resized to work better so I will implement further resized support starting in the next version. But to be clear, make sure to set resolution to the classic fixed mode as such below:


@Snowballfight Just checked the code, there isn't support for pouches with nature rune store method, it was designed without pouches in mind - but I will be adding support for it ASAP. :D

New update is almost ready guys :)

Edited by Czar
Posted the bot update.
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@CzarSo i did some testing this morning with the nature rune store method, and it looks like it gets stuck when it returns to the shop. I think the script is expecting there to be a bank in order to refill. Here are the logs



[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:13 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:14 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:15 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:16 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:17 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:18 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:19 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:19 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:20 AM]: Go to altar matey
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:29 AM]: Ruins are visible!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:31 AM]:  .. Couldn't click the ruins!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:31 AM]:  .. setting viewport to ruins.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:33 AM]: msg: [you feel a powerful force take hold of you...]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:33 AM]: Resetting potion_drink flag
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:33 AM]: "ss_potion_drink" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:33 AM]: "ss_yell_anti" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:34 AM]: set cached angle for altar! 101
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:37 AM]: animated! [791]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:38 AM]: msg: [you bind the temple's power into nature runes.]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:38 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:38 AM]: Won item amount in slot 6.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:38 AM]: "runes_crafted" changed to "21"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:39 AM]: animated! [-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:47 AM]: PouchManager: Classic-emptying all pouches...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:49 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:49 AM]: Item won in slot 7.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:49 AM]: Item won in slot 8.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:49 AM]: Item won in slot 9.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:49 AM]: /////////////////// Received the essences! ////////////
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:49 AM]: "ess_count_2" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:51 AM]: /////////////////// Received the essences! ////////////
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:51 AM]: "ess_count_4" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:52 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:52 AM]: Item won in slot 10.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:52 AM]: Item won in slot 11.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:52 AM]: Item won in slot 12.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:52 AM]: Item won in slot 13.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:52 AM]: Item won in slot 14.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:52 AM]: Item won in slot 15.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: /////////////////// Received the essences! ////////////
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: "ess_count_8" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 16.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 17.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 18.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 19.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 20.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 21.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 22.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 23.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:54 AM]: Item won in slot 24.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:55 AM]: animated! [791]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:56 AM]: msg: [you bind the temple's power into nature runes.]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:56 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:56 AM]: Won item amount in slot 6.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:56 AM]: "runes_crafted" changed to "39"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:16:58 AM]: animated! [-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:05 AM]: We are in runecrafting area, leave portal
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:06 AM]: We are in runecrafting area, leave portal
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:08 AM]: msg: [you step through the portal...]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:08 AM]: Resetting potion_drink flag
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:08 AM]: "ss_potion_drink" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:08 AM]: "ss_yell_anti" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:47 AM]: Resetting potion_drink flag
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:47 AM]: "ss_potion_drink" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:47 AM]: "ss_yell_anti" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:47 AM]: our path is null!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:47 AM]: Resetting potion_drink flag
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:47 AM]: "ss_potion_drink" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:17:47 AM]: "ss_yell_anti" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:08 AM]: Resetting potion_drink flag
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:08 AM]: "ss_potion_drink" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:08 AM]: "ss_yell_anti" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:09 AM]: Resetting potion_drink flag
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:09 AM]: "ss_potion_drink" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:09 AM]: "ss_yell_anti" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:32 AM]: Received dialogue: []
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:32 AM]: Option detected - finding  option...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:32 AM]: SS doesnt fully: [xchange All:] and [Exchange All: 105 coins]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:33 AM]: Received dialogue: []
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Received dialogue: [Aisles converts your banknotes.]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Lost item amount in slot 2.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Lost item amount in slot 5.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 7.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 8.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 9.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 10.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 11.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 12.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 13.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 14.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 15.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 16.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 17.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 18.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 19.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 20.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 21.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 22.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 23.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 24.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 25.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 26.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:34 AM]: Item won in slot 27.
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:43 AM]: Setting current state, (i0s3)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:44 AM]: Action is: (fill) for item
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:44 AM]: opening bank 10
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:44 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 3s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:48 AM]: Action is: (fill) for item
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:48 AM]: opening bank 10
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:48 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 3s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:52 AM]: Action is: (fill) for item
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:52 AM]: opening bank 10
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:52 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 3s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:57 AM]: Action is: (fill) for item
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:57 AM]: opening bank 10
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:18:57 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 3s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:01 AM]: Action is: (fill) for item
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:01 AM]: opening bank 10
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:01 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 3s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:05 AM]: Action is: (fill) for item
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:05 AM]: opening bank 10
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:05 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 3s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:09 AM]: Action is: (fill) for item
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:09 AM]: opening bank 10
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:09 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 3s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/01 11:19:09 AM]: Script Perfect Runecrafter has paused!

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Crafting cape teleport isn't supported currently but I will add support for it in the next version for you :D

As for nature rune store method, can you confirm which pouches you have in your inventory? I have turned off the banking code for that method, now I just need to make sure that the Giant pouch code isn't interfering - are you using a giant pouch by any chance? In any case I have posted the update v115.1, it should automatically go live within a few hours. :D

Edited by Czar
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8 minutes ago, Czar said:

Crafting cape teleport isn't supported currently but I will add support for it in the next version for you :D

As for nature rune store method, can you confirm which pouches you have in your inventory? I have turned off the banking code for that method, now I just need to make sure that the Giant pouch code isn't interfering - are you using a giant pouch by any chance? In any case I have posted the update v115.1, it should automatically go live within a few hours. :D

Yes i have A Giant and Large Pouch in my inventory, Along with A rune pouch and earth runes. How do i get Lavas to work? I have tried Everything

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