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Path Walking


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I'm writing a woodchopping script that banks, and I need to get my character from the woodchopping area (position 1) to the bank (position 2). How would I go about having my character walk between the two points; what command would let me input an end position and have my character walk there?




^ This is a very useful snippet from @LoudPacks that allows you to get the bank closest to your player. I just input the enum privately inside of a class called 'Banker' and made the methods of the enum into methods of the class.


Seems like you're new, so here's a great resource that @Explv made that has been incredibly useful to me since I found it. http://explv.github.io/ <-- Gets you the positions for Areas, Positions, etc. Very useful.

private Area myBank;
private Position initialPos; //have them start the script in the right location. 
//Or you could just input an Area if your script is already centered in a specific location
private final Area wcArea = new Area(8, 9, 10, 11);

public void onStart() {
    myBank = new Banker().closestTo(myPlayer());
    initialPos = myPlayer().getPosition();

public void onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    getWalking().walk(myBank.getRandomPosition(); //walk to closest bank
    //~~~~~~~~~ banking code to implement ~~~~~~~~~~
    //or if you want to walk back to an area:
Edited by Imateamcape
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//Make 2 areas

private final Area WoodCut = new Area(0,1,2,3);

private final Area Bank = new Area(4,5,6,7);

if (getInventory.isFull) {
   if (!Bank.contains(myPlayer) {

    } else {


if (!getInventory.isFull) {
if (!WoodCut.contains(myPlayer) {

} else {



Edited by lg_juggles
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