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how many bots can i run with these specs


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 Can someone give a nice estiamte of how much bots I can run on this computer with these specs? If i were to run them all on one client smile.png thanks very much

Lol idk much bout computers but I got this from system properties :)


Processor: Intel ® Core i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHZ 

Installed ram:8.00GB

System type: 64-bit operating system , x64-based processor


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 Can someone give a nice estiamte of how much bots I can run on this computer with these specs? If i were to run them all on one client smile.png thanks very much


Lol idk much bout computers but I got this from system properties smile.png


Processor: Intel ® Core i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHZ 

Installed ram:8.00GB

System type: 64-bit operating system , x64-based processor




1 without VIP emote3.png


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