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  1. Can someone give a nice estiamte of how much bots I can run on this computer with these specs? If i were to run them all on one client thanks very much Lol idk much bout computers but I got this from system properties Processor: Intel ® Core i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHZ Installed ram:8.00GB System type: 64-bit operating system , x64-based processor
  2. woops, I'll be sure to get those reqs. btw, can you give me a rough price check of these accs? :p
  3. i have 2 accounts account 1 60 att, 60 str, 60 def, 60 hp, 60 mage, 60 wc , no questpoints , everything else = 1 account 2 65 att, 65 str, 67 def, 60 mage, 36 craft, only quest done is lost city. both accounts have no bans and like 500k on each. offer?
  4. i have 2 accounts account 1 60 att, 60 str, 60 def, 60 hp, 60 mage, 60 wc , no questpoints , everything else = 1 account 2 65 att, 65 str, 67 def, 60 mage, 36 craft, only quest done is lost city. both accounts have no bans and like 500k on each. offer?
  5. If you created 3 accounts with the same ip and trained each individually into the desired stats in order to gold farm, is it pointless to bot each account later on with a purchased private proxy, as each account has already been made on the same IP address? This was when I couldn't afford any proxies so I'm uncertain on what to do. Should i still bot each on a private proxy? If one gets banned, will the rest also get chainbanned due to the similar ips upon creation of the account? Also, are private scripts still bannable? what are your chances of being banned with a private script compared to premium scripts? Thanks
  6. May i ask if this is also the case if you use proxies on the same computer?
  7. good idea? is it high ban rate? what stats do you recommend? should i train each account on f2p or p2p world? should i buy a proxy for each account while training, or waste of money? should i train anything else or do any quests to lower ban rates?
  8. I ran a combat script pretty smoothly for 16+ hours got decent stats and made like 1m from flesh clawlers. Weird thing is the next day I logged in I went from flesh clawlers to varrock west bank (someone took me there) and everything was gone except some items I had such as rune kite, cb brace, and other stuff. My 1mill coin stack was gone, and nobody knows my passwor. , does anyone know what happened? was it possible i got bot-busted by jagex and lost my bank or is it possible the bot has some type of virus lurking underneath? xd the only odd thing is why did they leave some stuff in my bank? instead of taking everything
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