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Getting Fat


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If you want to lose weight, or at least stop gaining additional pounds while still sticking to your inactive lifestyle, it's not so difficult. I did this myself 2 years ago and went from 210 lbs to 170 in about a year and a half, but with a small amount of exercise here and there. First: Only drink water from now on. It's cheaper and way better.

Second: Try to only eat two meals a day, but a good amount each meal. Not sure exactly how "healthy" that is, but I did that 3-5/7 days a week during that year and a half and it worked out fine for me. Third (Optional): Smoke weed pretty regularly (I smoked 1-4 times a day 90% of days). Not 100% proven yet, but recent research has continually been showing that smoking weed helps your metabolism, which I'm pretty sure allows you to burn calories / fat faster.

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