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  1. VirusScan: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/375a2f8b691e0719e9bcc86102dc2ab1cd9a0c17a95192fb62e530e72fccdaa7?nocache=1 My Discord: Downer#9737 I whipped this bad larry up when I went to scale up my first farm and figured I would give back and share it with the community because this stuff can be quite tedious. It's a very simple python script that helps automate scaling up a farm that also supports proxies. ~~~Requirements~~~ -Up to date Osbot.jar -Python 3.9+ -Java 8 Update 351 -> https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp <- DL Offline Version] ~~~Features~~~ -Proxy Support -World selection support -Script ID + Arguments support -Automatically uses new mouse -Autologin (Must have logged into Osbot once before running) -Delayed client start time based on your input https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zazaonabot Changelog
  2. Hey all, Just need some help figuring something out since Jagex changed the captcha from reCAPTCHA (by Google) to GeeTest (imperva/incapsula). I am currently following this code provided by anticaptcha to solve the captchas, however unlike reCAPTCHA where the domain key was easy to find I have no idea where to find the GeeTest key. Also I need to produce a variable key, that according to the documentation should be unique for each request but doesn't show me how to get it even after searching on Google for a day. The code below is how the official docs set it out. def captchaData(): solver = geetestProxyon() solver.set_verbose(1) solver.set_key(ANTICAPTCHA_API_KEY) solver.set_website_url(RUNESCAPE_REGISTER_URL) solver.set_gt_key("CONSTANT_GT_KEY") # I can't find this key when looking through the website code solver.set_challenge_key("VARIABLE_CHALLENGE_KEY") # I literally have no idea what this is and/or how to obtain it solver.set_proxy_address(proxyIP) solver.set_proxy_port(int(proxyPort)) #solver.set_proxy_login("proxylogin") #solver.set_proxy_password("proxypassword") solver.set_user_agent("Mozilla/5.0") token = solver.solve_and_return_solution() return token The code below shows the payload I'll be sending in the post request. captcha = captchaData() # Create payload to post payload = { 'theme': 'oldschool', 'email1': email, 'onlyOneEmail': '1', 'password1': password, 'onlyOnePassword': '1', 'day': day, 'month': month, 'year': year, 'create-submit': 'create', 'g-recaptcha-response': captcha # This is the old captcha system, I'm not sure what 'g-recaptcha-response' should be now } The issue I'm having is I also don't know what to replace 'g-recaptcha-response' with as imperva does a good job at hiding it (unless I'm just being an idiot ofc). The solution is probably really simple and I'm just overlooking something out of frustration. I'll also show my dependencies (imports) too. # Dependencies from urllib.request import urlopen from anticaptchaofficial.geetestproxyon import * import socket import time import random import string import requests Thank you for any replies! -Flewis
  3. Hello all, I'm wondering if anyone has any more information on using the official client to run your own scripts. Personally I've been banned several times using both injects (without proxies, just vpn) and once without proxies on mirror (no vpn). I'm wondering since the last message I received from jagex stated that they could detect third party software, is that just them not being able to detect the official client? Could anyone give a quick and dirty run-down of how mirror mode works? Because I remember selecting the screen I would use, and the script would just run in the background. In regards to that ^^^^ is mirror mode the same as me opening my "teathiever.py" file and running it? I ask because I'm writing a grand exchange merching bot currently and wanted some insight as to how they treat the official client vs. injection through third party. Thanks!
  4. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44379964/why-wont-this-a-work-correctly?noredirect=1#comment75812691_44379964 for some reason on my worst case state of the board, the a* algorithm generates a very large answer which is wrong..
  5. Looking for a good way to analyze strings of data to determine if they are negative or postive. Came across this http://text-processing.com/demo/sentiment/ but it seems many of the negative words inputted are seen to be neutral. Idk maybe I might be bias but if you wanna, try it out and tell me what you think
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