I have botted from 50 and am currently 77 , i take 6-8 min breaks every 40-50 minutes and usually have it running for around 7-8 hours , no ban or nothing yet , idk if these kids are just talking shit or maybe they are just suicide botting idk. lol nice script though.
Advice for anyone using this , if you are worried about your account getting banned only use the script when you are at the computer so you can reply to people if they talk to you etc , you can also manually move the camera around yourself , pause the script every now and then for a minute or so then continue , just doing all those little things that makes it harder to pin-point that its a script being used.
If you are not too concerned about your account , have it take breaks every hour or so for 5-10 minutes , and dont run for more than 10 hours a day aim for 6-8 , stick to those guidelines and you should be sweet , also mix it up abit , play legit an hour or 2 a day aswell doing something other than range guild.
Good luck.