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  1. Requested Service: Rogue's den minigame for full outfit.Terms of payment (Trade 1st or MM): 1stDiscord name: Kech #5424Do you agree to the TOS: Yes edit : Paid, waiting. Edit 2 : He finished my order faster then he promised me, great guy and professional. +1
  2. Any mod reading this, he just scammed me 30m on a different site, on sythe. For some twitch prime accounts, i didn't notice he had a do not trade tag, and just wanted to tell you to not trust his gestures. It's still up to you, but just wanted to inform you.
  3. Completed 6 quests for me in a fast time, awesome times and very polite!
  4. So Booleans randomly went offline it was just a misunderstanding, i made a mistake like i said. i would like the negative feedback to be removed.
  5. The negative feedback is a false positive, it was a misunderstanding.

    Bought 10 accounts off him and he made them right then and finished them right away :)

    Will be buying weekly off him and we are working on removing the negative feedback. 

  6. What do you need? : Full void + all helms - gloves 22M Payment method? : GP Going first or middleman? : First What is your Skype? : we talked on skype 2 minutes ago, Fatih Do you agree to the TOS? : yes Sending a PM
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