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Mr def nerd

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Mr def nerd last won the day on March 12 2015

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Community Answers

  1. You are in resizable mode. Switch to fixed mode and it should be fine
  2. AoE II all the way. Do you play on voobly or steam?
  3. Okay, so I just finished fairy rings for my web walker. I know there was a tutorial released a while back, but I can't seem to find it, so I am releasing this. I have an enum for the location codes, but its not done yet so I am not releasing it yet To see it in action, please visit this post The fairy ring class Use as instance.setRing("dkr");
  4. fk that you don't even fix you're scripts..

  5. Hey man love your scripts. Your fishing script has a bug though. It doesn't bank fish from karamja, just trying to give some feedback great work man.

  6. Or you could my script (http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58003-free-dnaiofighter-fast-banking-teleport-potion-guthan-safespot-tons-of-features/), which is free and supports that + much more
  7. Well, the thing is that every issue you posted above is directly linked to the clients random handler, which is not the scripts fault. So that is really all that matters.. I think its a bit harsh to say that a script does not deserve a proggie if it can't run for 12 hours when half of the clients random event solvers are broken and the script itself might be fully functional and flawless
  8. I can agree with this. If the script is flawless and there are no issues the script thread will just be completely dead. Once jagex makes an update, or an OSBot update causes the script to slightly fail, the thread will be filled up with leechers complaining.
  9. I agree so much. Everyone should be judged the same way. It would be retarded to have a decent script winning over a great script because the great script was made by an OSD and the decent script was made by SDN scripter
  10. Would you be able to make a 180x180 logo for my motherload miner? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/57411-free-dnmotherload-fast-efficient-dynamic-paths/
  11. Well, of course you can create a ToS that says you may kill someone, but then you will be breaking the law. They are not breaking the law when they say that they have the right to stop supplying you with scripts, and since you accepted that, you can't complain about how they don't have the right to do it.
  12. Well, I have to agree with swizzbeat, this is really stupid. You say that OSBot has broken the ToS, but I guess you haven't read it. The purchase contract you are talking about actually states that OSBot has the right to cease any supply of their products at any time.
  13. Na, its not any issues with your setup. The reason to why it keeps trying to loot anything other than nests is that it haven't been updated for almost two days. The reason to this is because it was finally updated yesterday, but due to a small error with the obstaclehandler from my fighter in the dependencies, the woodcutter wouldn't compile, and therefore it is still experiencing the same issue
  14. Unless something went wrong with the mapdata (which happens really rarely), it should walk straight to the varrock bank. None of the tiles behind the bank is defined in the script. Try reloading the client and check if it works better then
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