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  1. Realised its because its full, sadly all of the worlds are. Maybe make it so the script spams enter when its ready, else i tihnk theres no chance to get in
  2. Just tested the script out and my bot just stood outside the barrier for an entire hour without entering the game even once, something you are aware of?
  3. lmao does this still work to use? i still have it in my scriptlist
  4. Hello! I always get banned within 1 hour of botting fishing, no matter stats or quests done etc... Is it just unlucky or does fishing have really high banrate? I managed to get 99 fm and 70 mining and even 70 agility while botting, with no issues, after 2 or so days of no botting i tried khals aio fisher at lvl 61, before even hitting 62 i got hit with a ban. have botted about 20 mins of fishing lol also happened with 2 other scripts of fishing on other accs
  5. Hey again, ive noticed another bug. If the pyro is dead, and u wait for someone to heal it. When hes back alive the script doesnt resume burnign logs and just waits for the entire round to be over, then goes back to normal. not a huge issue but misses out on a round every now and then
  6. Managed to get a pet on the 2nd attempt acc! nice!
  7. Hey man, im gonna try one more time. What seetings are you using? fletch etc? how long do u usually run before break etc?
  8. Hi, it was fresh acc, only botted on 1 acc at a time and yeah the camera shaked a lot. mainly that was the issue. Im gonna try to appeal it. But i got a perm ban on first ban. If i get it back i will try to get 99 fm on it. Otherwise ill make a new one soon and attempt again! Stealth injection btw.
  9. Feedback time again! Sadly managed to catch a ban! I used it every day since i bought it and started the account. I think its 6 days ago! 1.9 worked pretty well with few hiccups. I did about 45min-1h each with breaks in between. Sadly now on 95 FM i got banned. So close! however it was basically a fresh ironman account made for this purpose. It would've been fun to get 99 fm. But i knew what i was doing and on an account that did nothing but bot that is a damn long time before ban.
  10. Hey again! I have now done 200 KC and ended up at 88 FM and 60 WC on an iron man. I will continue to use the script and report back if i find flaws or other things. Only thing i can think of right now is that it sometimes wants to change the location to north east or west. And gets stuck trying to click the brazier on the opposite side without success and spazzes out. only happens if i tries to use north east brazier when south west. and north west when south east. will the updates that roll out still come to us now that its not in the store?
  11. hello again, tried 1.87 now. And it seems to be working much better. I havnt had an issue when using default settings except 6 cakes and 3 to start. Using only axe and tinderbox. ran it 3 times and 1h each time. tried once with knife and hammer in inv too. didnt work well then.
  12. great i will try soon! will come back with feedback. Appreciate ur work!
  13. Oh okay, i thought i was doing something wrong xd
  14. Maybe a noob question but how do i update? mine is still 1.72 according to gui
  15. Yeah, i been using default settings mainly. seems to work best if i keep knife, hammer, tinderbox in inventory. and axe equipped.
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