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Posts posted by guywithlsd


    26 minutes ago, RoomScape said:

    That’s because a lot of people are brainless sheep. Not even joking. 

    With someone that’s a doctor or surgeon, and you have a partially decapitated limb or some severe disease, would you rather the Harvard doctor or some local community college graduate that failed twice before barely passing?

    this is absolute extreme example and does not even make sense.

    If there is a surgeon or doctor at mid-high end hospital - he is 100% ready for his job to be done perfect no matter what school he finished.

    with job like this, ppl doing it are 110% ready and prepared for it no matter of school - or else he would not get position.

    if you want to be a medic and finish med school, you have to be top guy to finish and to be able to be surgeon..no other way around it. job like this requires 100% perfection.

    Lead director of hospital -- "well, John looks like a nice guy....he failed his exams 2 times when he was doing surgeon on a frog but i reaaaly like him..idk, i say let hire him!"

    shit does not work like that.



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  2. 5 hours ago, Flashbacks420 said:

    any know if theirs much difference in xp/hr thinking bout doing 70-99 kbow as it a lot cheaper then blowpipe but is the exp a lot worse?

    I would say kbow is like ~15-25% slower then bpipe. 

    + kbow is cheap so you can stack them in bank and skip repairing every 15hours so less problems i guess.

    If i would make account to sell - i pick kbow. If i make account my self and im not very interested in saving up few mils here and there - i grab pipe.

  3. you wount find a goldfarming method that would get you 2x 99's on multiple accounts. It's just doesn't work like that anymore.

    So if you spot a goldfarmers, same looking, same stats, many of them, its more the likely they are real ppl farming gold. Thats why they get no bans.

    there can be couple of sneaky bots here and there getting mad gains but thats absolute minority.

  4. 3 hours ago, Keebler said:

    Thats how Im feeling with videogames in general. Thanks for the response man gonna think about it. I hate questing so much.

    questing on ironmen / uim is absolute blast and fun dude. its nothing like questing your bots for example

  5. 5 hours ago, kazemaru said:

    yep i play legit on ironman

    normal accs are just so boring


    4 hours ago, THS said:

    Seen a few of my friends get really into it on ironmen.

    The facade is ruined a little after farming for so long, but I planned on making my own with my time off work coming up.


    Wanna join me? :xboge:


    4 hours ago, Keebler said:

    Im thinking of iron man just don't know if I can dedicate the time FeelsBadMan

    ironmen is the way to go. i have been around with rs for 10+ years and never anything in game was as fun as just doing casual things on ironmen.

    im playing UIM and it's absolute blast. y'day did heroes + mm1 + some random quests in one go. soo fun and relaxing. (and UG + regicide in one go day before)

    Can't play more then like 5hours total every week as game it self is too grindy and boring without end content i guess. and in general - computer games are absolute waste of time and fake feel of  accomplishment or what ever so no point invest time into playing a lot.

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