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Posts posted by guywithlsd

  1. Need 2 builds done from scratch- 

    1x - 41Defence quested (dragon slayer / nature spirit/ monkey madness ) +  NMZ ready with rock cake + Ava ( vamp slay + tree gnome + MTD + depth of despair + fight arena + subs)
    2x - 70/70/70 melee + nmz ready with rock cake ( vamp slay + tree gnome + MTD + depth of despair + holy grail + subs)


    I pay 90m for whole deal (negotiable?)

    I cover Bonds - you rest.

    total = 3 accounts


    PM me you Discord, thanks!

  2. On 12/23/2018 at 1:02 PM, rschoutens said:

    It wont, I gave some valuable advice here, you can protect yourself against any chargeback, even if its coming from someone's creditcard. If you use Paypal and you dont follow up on my advice have fun on getting your account locked forever. Which will be even quicker if you create a Paypal account for businesses.

    Trading and selling on forums is a hobby for the average user on this forum. If you go down the road of creating a solid website for bigger earnings you should consider professional advice, especially in this field. Cant bypass the laws and authorities anymore.

    Been there myself, learned from my mistakes.

    PM me if you want to see my last 100 chargebacks. All were denied and passed in my favor. 

    Good luck anyways


    can you tell the advice again? cuz i read your comments and no advice was given, the only thing you said was "get lawyer help or don't even start doing it"

  3. 6 hours ago, austin67 said:

    Think they use the G2A payment thing? probably comes with a cost - Most places request ID n some even ask for selfies with the ID lmao xD

    what method request ID or selfie? Like how do i implement that into my shop? you can give any examples?

    3 hours ago, Shmeekz said:

    Hes saying sellers would ask the buyer for proof of identification so that they wont claim "someone else used my credit card" shit


    some only take from paypal balance as that is not a card balance


    some set up business paypal, make they pay with their address shown, if they claim fraud, send letter to that mail address and provide proof that u sent that in to paypal and u will win 90% of the time

    Whats the different in taking money only from balance and not from card?

    "send letter to that mail address and provide proof that u sent that in to paypal" so pretty much lie that you sold digital good and pretend that you sold NOT digital good that was delivered with mail?

  4. Okay, so i plan to open website related to osrs sales . And from what can i see, absolute majority gold / account / services providers do offer PayPal.

    So i'm really not sure, how you guys protect yourself from "unauthorized payments" and other fraud claims? 

    From what i can see, PayPal does not protect digital goods sellers.


    How safer is Stripe / other Credit Card payment options compared to PayPal?

    And does this information is considered as "everyone have their own tricks that they don't share" or it's something that i can find out from other people sharing their expierence - googling - searching?

    I know about Crypto alternative of safe payments, but i feel like majority of clients would use PayPal / CC.

    Any info towards this topic is welcome.

  5. 3 hours ago, LeBron said:

    Well their proxies are cheap and reliable (have been for me at least). What's your issue with them other than them?

    tbh i had no issue when i used them like 6 months ago or so. It was more of a "all around joke" about how you should be skeptical about something that everyone use and offer to use when the whole thing is based on "the more fresh and unknown by others the better"


  6. 37 minutes ago, zuzel111 said:

    65M for it, bonds included in price.

    this is more the funny. there is obvious no chance he would even consider about your price knowing there is 5 thousand guys who would do it under 40m with more then your rep, but you still offer : DD like wtf dude

  7. Hello, looking for someone to do me some questing --

    - Mountain daughter

    - Rock cake  + 10 fishing

    - Client of kourend for instant 1-9 fishing

    - Ava quest line + 18 slayer

    - 2x haunted mine

    - 31-36 Crafting


    Please, leave a price and time-frame here or PM!

    Please, do not post "i can do this" without info i asked - price and time-frame.

    At least 10+ positive feedback. 

    ONLY someone who can do this without me waiting for days until you start.

    Thanks in advance!

  8. On 12/5/2018 at 1:01 AM, sarsi96 said:

    Buying 90+ melee stat accounts (x2)

    Full melee void is PLUS
    Fire cape is PLUS

    i have 2x - 90 attack ~92 str - ~88 defence. NMZ ready. MTD line. rock cake. No email sets. 10+d memb.

    what could you offer? shoot me a PM

  9. Looking for price and timeframe for these builds -- 

    1 - 40 def + 60 range + Rock cake + NMZ quests + Ava 

    2 - 60/60/60 + 60 range - rock cake + NMZ quests + Ava 

    3 - from lvl 3 -- Death plateu + fight arena + Vamp slayer + tree gnome village + mountain daughter + client of kourend + Rock cake + Ava

    4 - from lvl 3 -- 44Pray + fight arena + Vamp slayer + tree gnome village + mountain daughter + client of kourend + Rock cake + Ava + Haunted mines 

    * All skill req too. 

    * All sub questes needed too if i did not mentioned any.


    Please - leave price + time frame here or in PM!

  10. STILL LOOKING - quests have to be done in 1 GO - I login with TeamViewer on your PC --> login to accounts and you do them in 1 GO.

    need 4 quests on 2 accounts

    Fight arena + vampire slayer + tree gnome village + mountain daughter


    Only trusted and ASAP. Leave price + discord in post!

  11. 2 hours ago, AsBakedAsCake said:

    Unfortunately I am from the US :/. But how would you say skrill is more "safe" than PayPal? Aren't charge backs on Skrill still possible? Either way, in the 3 years or so I've been farming I've not had even a single charge back, (because I deal with sites, mostly probemas the past 3 years.) I'd much rather like to start selling to the public for better prices but it seems crypto would be the only safe way to do so in which im entirely unfamiliar with.

    there is no different if you are from EU or USA, its just if you want credit card to cash out instantly your Skrill and you are in EU you can do that.

    and i think you can chargeback money on skrill, but its not as easy as doing it with PP

    idk wh you say you are "unfamiliar" with crypto. It's 2018 and you got internet + there is powerfull tool called - Google ? check that out : D

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