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  1. Definitely keep botting sessions short. First time botting on my iron, total of 3 hours, less than an hour at a time with breaks... woke up today banned within 24 hours of those 3 hours botting lol. Anyways I did notice on Canifis the bot would like click on different squares, not the next jump, if you weren't zoomed out enough, and there were definitely times it looked like a bot haha. I'll try the bot on my alt in the future with the coming update.
  2. Why exactly does it do the dungeon doors so slowly? not really getting much more exp/hr than larders.. it makes the two doors, talks to butler, waits for him to get back, does 2 doors, and so on.. cant you make the 2 doors in the time he gets back from bank to have it constantly making doors? Just curious. Edit: Sometimes it also only makes one door, then talks to butler and waits the entire time, makes 2 doors, gets the other 10 planks, makes 1 more door, then sends butler to bank.. just not very smooth atm.
  3. So... I just used this bot for an hour and 15 mins last night, came on today and was temp banned LOL.. never botted on this acc before, weird...
  4. Yeah I've deleted the client and folder that Solutions said, and that didn't work, I will double check the java, should be fine just updated it yesterday though haha. I did let it sit open for quite a bit while I did some other stuff, came back and it was still the same..
  5. On a different network than yesterday? Nope, still same one. Tried deleting the folder you specified, still the same thing is happening.
  6. Hey, so just got back into botting yesterday, got the client working last night just fine. Today i opened up OSBot and when I click on 'Launch' its greyed out, can't click it. Also under stable version there is just 0's, and under status it says 'cant connect to osbot'. Anyone have a fix for this? Tried redownloading multiple times, turning off antivirus, nothing works. Thanks in advance.
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