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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by towelman

  1. Damn that's a pretty gnarly story at Zeah, I'll keep you guys informed maybe it's nothing.
  2. I wonder if my time is gonna come the second Jagex work hours begin.. ugh
  3. They are accounts from @Montana of 300 so it's possible he made them around the same time. I think i'm just gonna suicide bot it TBH, i may be fucked when Jagex work hours start
  4. It's good man but it is hard to top mine tbh
  5. What do you think of this Frost? Coincidence or is Jagex pulling a NSA on my ass?
  6. I've seen a ton of randoms spawn in on people when I bot on f2p worlds but never seen the same randoms happen. Kinda surprised the client dismisses genies though tbh
  7. Dude i don't even know.. Idk whether to take a break on the bots or keep going, that is one hell of a coincidence Same world different IPs same area
  8. Different IPs but in the same area, I'm super tripped out right now. Will keep you guys updated if chain bans happen I only noticed it because all 4 of my bot screens lit up red at nearly the exact same time and genies spawned in. Tried to pause them and accept the genie lamp because no player in their right mind would dismiss a genie.
  9. Just got 4 genies on all of my 4 bots and they all dismissed them, this happened within 30 seconds. Is this a detection method? Never ever had this happen before Has this ever happened to you guys??? I'm really tripped out feel like a jmod just spawned in randoms to my guys
  10. It's weird man because for me it's like f2p I get banned often but p2p I've been pretty lucky. I've never once been banned doing p2p over the weekend that's nuts man, do you mind me asking was it a premium script or a private script?
  11. I'm running 2 bots per proxy but you have me scared now.. Bans happening this early into the weekend as p2p? shit man... Weath working weekends now?
  12. As a gay man she can have my attention all she wants :P not hating though she's got a nice ass
  13. The chick in your avatar sure has a hard time keeping the skirt up xD How many bots were you running per proxy? If you don't mind me asking
  14. Did this just happen now?
  15. Ehh, get a private script, bot smart and you probably will be fine
  16. When was the account last botted, has it had resting days?
  17. I make love to elevator music
  18. Nice man! p2p I assume? I'd love to learn how to bot 70/70/70 accs on f2p, seen it done but my bots just don't last long on f2p
  19. I wanna say like 6m but i could be wrong, has the account been days without a ban? Make sure it's been a few days without a ban before you sell it my dude
  20. I have my irl picture in my avatar, I'm the horse Who TF is that on my back get him off!
  21. @Montana of 300 All of his accounts are at least 3 days rested
  22. I'd really suggest private scripts man, many of these premium scripts already have hundreds/thousands of people taking similar patterns / clicks I could tell you but then I'd have to... Nvm, but yeah dude it wouldn't be private if I shared.
  23. Were you running other bots on the same IP during the time you were doing BF? 2 hours is awfully fast to be banned
  24. That booty doe, if I wasn't gay I'd probably tap that
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