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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by DyQuest

  1. Just bought and seems to have a few problems. It gets stuck after using a telegrab (sometimes) and when it does telegrab it counts the seed twice. My paint also wasn't working properly. I couldn't interact with the xp feature and the profit per hour didn't work. As you can see 5 seeds but counts as 10 and no profit per hour working. Can't interact with the paint for some reason (the x or the xp) but maybe that's on my end idk. EDIT: Ok so the paint interaction works but only after the script has been running for awhile which is kinda weird. The telegrab thing happens because when a single seed spawns it will attempt to cast telegrab twice. Which is why I assume it doubles the seedcount. Now, since the seed has already been telegrabbed, the bot will sit there and do nothing since it can't telegrab anything. So this script is effectively broken until that's fixed. I found a workaround by using a randomized auto clicker to cancel the telegrab spell which will resume the bot. However, this should definitely be fixed. I have the majority of your scripts purchased and I really like them but hopefully this can be resolved within a timely manner.
  2. DyQuest

    Quests needed

    @IamBot I can do this np ezpz
  3. DyQuest

    DT + MM2

    Just did Dt for @Superman_ and MM2 for @Jordie Can do these for you ezpz pm me or hit that skype button EDIT: got this one bois
  4. Can do for 2.5m which is a little on the cheaper side only because you'd have to wait until I get off of work in 8 hours from now~ PM or click my signature
  5. Waddup. I just did a mith gloves speed run in less than 4 hours. So I know these quests like the back of my hand. Lemme know if you still need this.
  6. wtf i quoted 3m lmfao. im retarded this is why i should stick to questing >_>
  7. 15m? I thought the set takes like an hour.
  8. Hmm. Im normally a quester but I actually like this minigame. Hit me up if youd like me to get it for you.
  9. Hey, I'm available to do both right now. I have the cash ready to buy the items if you still need this service done. EDIT: Completed by me bois.
  10. If you still need this let me know. EDIT: Doing this
  11. Can also do this if you'd like. It'd have to wait until tomorrow unfortunately though. Just let me know in PM.
  12. I just did mith gloves from tut island in 4 hours I can do this real quick esp if you have stats already. Just throw me a pm if youre interested.
  13. Can do 13m np. Just did mith gloves from tut island in less than 4 hours.
  14. Level 3s can do client of kourend. Hosidius takes 20 mins max with it done if doing fetilizer.
  15. I feel you on that one. I really like doing pure quests but once it starts branching out its no longer fun. But I do em cus money is money. :P
  16. Always charge things as a service and never as a gift when it's dealing with stuff like this.
  17. Yeah I can vouch. We used to quest for clan members back at the beginning of osrs. He did an 80m order in 2 days no lifing every pure quest from a level 3.
  18. Would be willing to do the quests for 2.5m
  19. If you still need mith gloves let me know. I just did a mith glove speedrun from tut island in less than 4 hours. So if you have the stats I can get it done in no time. I know those quests like the back of my hand.
  20. Rip. Wonder why he risked his account with decent feedback. I just did some quests for Santonio. Sad.
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