Yea - It mined all the way west, even though it was unchecked. Hasn't replicated itself at all, but it was abit strange. Glad I caught it fast, don't think it's normal for a person to do lower area after 72 mining haha
Loving it so far, easily one of my favourites!
Weird problem I've been having, I've got it set for upstairs only but then after I leveled up from 74-75 it started mining randomly on downstairs opposite side of where the area which I clicked on, happened a few times. Have people used this specific bot to get 99? I am thinking of attempting it on one of my alt accounts, safely as possible.
Purchased this script, thanks its working great. Just wanted to know, what do you recommend the time of running this script for before taking a break/waiting til the next day?
Thank you.