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  1. I am trying to do a cooking script but I can only label widget root child and sub, how can I name a widget tile, it has the text trout or salmon for example. I tried filters but that didn't seem like the solution ..
  2. Hello folks, I was wondering if someone could explain how I could nest a conditionalsleep so that it can use the widgets after interacting with a Object. if(fire != null && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && fire.interact("Cook")) { new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return myPlayer().isAnimating() || !fire.exists(); } }.sleep(); }
  3. Could someone figure out how to setup a script skeleton and compile it in the modern version of eclipse? I am going to have to dodge this IntelliJ trial but I really like the eclipse look. plzzzzz
  4. +rep @skillerkidos1 for solving the confuration mystery out for me.
  5. I followed every step of the guide exactly and still nothing shows in my scripts folder or in my OSBot client scripts
  6. I cant figure out how to use eclipse or IntelliJ
  7. when I try to "Run As" it tells me to "Select Java Application" pls help idk how to compile my script
  8. I love how Czar takes me under his wing regardless of a decade year long "mutial relationship" :))) ty Czar, I wasn't sure if I needed JDK 8 or if JRE 21 would have worked but I will give it a shot. tytytyty EDIT: Java 1.8 Worked ty !
  9. hello, I tried to use a old version of eclipse that I know how to write scripts on but my JRE isn't compatible with it... I also tried the modern eclipse IDE and idk how to get started. plzz help.
  10. I am sooooo experienced with Win32 API but I aussume the developers are competent enought to not NEED my help. I would love to assist but message me if I can help.
  11. what do you mean by focus on C++ client support? is the client written in C++ but OSBot is JAR? I ask because I am FAR more familiar with C/C++ compared to Java.
  12. EDIT: nvm I see the patch option now. awesome awesome awesome. hopefully I can start releasing some scripts soon
  13. VIP is only for mirror mode still? what does OSBot register as by default, does it try to mimic some Linux executable for Old School?
  14. I need VIP to use the proxy tho? I'm not trying to get this IP flagged.
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