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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by SnowMan

  1. I don't have a Sythe account. Please PM me the link, I looked and couldn't find it. Also, the 5m? Bid noted.
  2. Thank you, I just want the maximum xp, but don't want to get banned. buying your rangescript
  3. Should I keep going or would it be safe to stop and then go??
  4. Still going strong, should I keep it going 24\7 till I get 80str? Or should I stop and wait a day? Or switch it up and go bot your rangeguild script? Let me know please Czar, what do you think is most safe?
  5. If cannon feature was added, I'd also pay an extra $3. First time running on 13hours and 30 mintues as of right now. My first ever proggy http://puu.sh/jSlgv/f8041f33d8.png
  6. Just bought your script, pray for me. I started how it was suppose to, somehow itjustran in a square probably 150tiles from bank. Walked it farther up and restarted, walking towards crabs.
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