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Trade With Caution
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About shankfish

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  1. I can sell you some gold. Skype: shankfish07
  2. Looking to buy 35m at 1.25/M Paypal or Bitcoin. Skype: shankfish07
  3. if MM is needed thats fine otherwise you go first
  4. I will sell you 3m 07 for 3.45$ on paypal, we are talking on skype atm.
  5. Read title above, please dont waste mine and your times by posting shit prices. Thank you
  6. Customer service supervisor for T-mobile
  7. what site XD i'm really out of my league in terms of knowing what to do in this situation
  8. ah putting it in runescape terms helps XD Where would i be able to find a buyer? im still totally lost on this im sorry if this is bugging you Mine is Factry new so would that be .01?
  9. How do I do that? The max price you can sell for is 400 on steam I thought Also what is float value? Can you explain?
  10. I haven't seen another one ever yet... Do I really have the only one right now?
  11. Would you be interested in buying it? Also how do I go about selling an item on steam
  12. lol ok thanks guys To saying im only a ittle excited would be an understatement
  13. i just opened this knife. My friend is shitting his pants ( i just started playing so i have no idea) how much is this worth i can't find one on any site anywhere. https://gyazo.com/2b38213aa2c9cdcd7256201df0c21c42 if someone could help me understand i would appreciate it
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