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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hi, No i'm not working on that problem. It's an error with the API so we're waiting for the devs to get it fixed! Read here for the benefits of the mirror client! : http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66338-reducing-banning-rates-behind-the-scenes-at-osbot-27-febuary-2015/ note that mirror is still in beta so script may not be fully working Apa
  2. Script does not support karambwans (despite it being an option - i never got round to taking it off)
  3. Highlighting a tile ingame: public void drawTileIngame(Script script, Graphics g, Position p, Color positionColor) { g.setColor(positionColor); Polygon PosHighlight = p.getPolygon(script.getBot()); g.drawPolygon(PosHighlight); } Marking tile on minimap: (this code is for marking an entity on the minimap) public void drawMinimapPosition(Script script, Graphics g, Entity entity, Color positionColor, Color textColor, boolean fill) { if (entity != null && entity.exists()) { short[] minimapP = GraphicUtilities.getMinimapScreenCoordinate( script.getBot(), entity.getX(), entity.getY()); if (minimapP[0] > 0) { g.setColor(positionColor); if (fill) g.fillRect(minimapP[0] - 2, minimapP[1] - 2, 4, 4); else g.drawRect(minimapP[0] - 2, minimapP[1] - 2, 4, 4); g.setColor(textColor); g.drawString(entity.getName(), minimapP[0] - 4, minimapP[1] - 4); } } } Marking a position: (modded of the above to remove the unneeded stuff) public static void drawMinimapPosition(Script script, Graphics g, Position p, Color positionColor, Color textColor, boolean fill) { if (p != null) { short[] minimapP = GraphicUtilities.getMinimapScreenCoordinate( script.getBot(), entity.getX(), entity.getY()); if (minimapP[0] > 0) { g.setColor(positionColor); if (fill) g.fillRect(minimapP[0] - 2, minimapP[1] - 2, 4, 4); else g.drawRect(minimapP[0] - 2, minimapP[1] - 2, 4, 4); g.setColor(textColor); } } }
  4. to be honest, i'm not sure if it helps with the antiban, but certainly adds a bit of randomization. If you cant decide which side you prefer, just check random x)
  5. @Dash incase you didn't see... http://osbot.org/forum/topic/67418-my-tryout-for-dashboards-video-voice-acting-competition/
  6. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66602-have-a-nice-voice-click-here/ @OP good luck my friend!
  7. Odd. Are you using the mirror system? because seeing as the mirror system is still in beta stage, it's most likely an issue with that.
  8. I can't do anything about bans - botting is against the runescape rules. As was suggested, you could always invest in a rank to gain access to the mirror client but me making the script open the skills tab every now and again is not going to stop you getting banned. (I've actually as i've explained many times got an antiban sequence already programmed in, with a low activation chance, but if you're still getting problems with bans, it clearly hasn't helped! apa
  9. Hi. I've implemented (on user request) an antiban sequence that will hover over skills and stuff but only rarely. I don't want to make the chances higher as I believe antiban doesn't help prevent bans (and if anyhting, it could cause them), so i guess I wish to stick with the current system i had implemented with the current chances/features. Apaec
  10. I personally do not believe antiban helps at all to prevent bans. If anything, it potentially causes them
  11. Hi, thanks for the report. The probability of it misclicking the deposit box is very low, so should never happen again, but i'll write a fix for it at some point soon. I've extebnded your trial for another 2 hours. Apaec
  12. Hey! i never bot (only rarely to test the script before releasing an update) but about the question, I'd suggest maximising your break times as much as you can. Try and break for longer than you bot. also ensure you play legit on the account from time to time Ultimately there's not much you can do to avoid being banned, just take care and don't over-do it! Apaec
  13. Mirror is still completely in beta stage and to my knowledge alot of the scripts don't work with the mirror system!
  14. that's wierd, it's working perfectly for me. You're not using the mirror thing, are you?
  15. Did it work before? and when exactly does this happen, when you start the script? when you stop it? when you finish the GUI?
  16. Wtf... the trace seems void Are you running the latest client version?
  17. Hi, It most likely expired. I've enabled a new trial on your account. Enjoy!
  18. probably a problem on your side
  19. Splash in a pvp world. You will last 6hours guarenteed unless you run out of runes or the server d/cs. Apa
  20. Sure! I've enabled a 24hour trial on your account - let me know if you need longer! Apaec Thank you for the kind words, and glad you enjoy the script! If you get a few spare seconds, I would really appreciate it if you could leave a review on the store here: http://osbot.org/for...apa-rock-crabs/ Happy botting! Apaec
  21. Will push a fix to this tonight. Apaec EDIT: Update! version 1.42 Script will no longer deposit all when inventory is empty Script version is now displayed at top of GUI Happy botting! Apaec
  22. Also, i'm pretty sure the wine is a ground item! GroundItem wine = groundItems.closest(WINE_NAME);
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