FUCK THIS: answered all question with tons of text, then all got erased.
So here ar the quick answers, no time to typ all of it again.
1) Ya it takes 2 at each time now, if thats not enough, you should be using better food or get better defence xD
2)It clicked pretty fast earlier, people complained and i lowered it, nobody complained since then.
I can speed it up some if required.
3) Every house is different, walking closer to the glory, clicks the minimap which isn't accurate.
4) Could take more, I do the same with runes.
5) I already drinks 1 Zip each 2 rounds ... ??
If you drink every round you lower your profit/hour by 50k .. tried it.
6) It's isn't worth it. the distance from house to shop is 50% of the distance from altar to shop.
Using tabs to get to the house, cost a lot. barely making 20k/h more ...
7)How will u use pots there? trade to shop and buy them again?
8) deathwalk, not sure if i'm going to add that. there are more things that you could lose by doing this then you actually gain. you'll lose pouches anyway, so profit is decreased by 50%. This would take a lot of time to implement, to get it work properly. Don't have the time for that.
9) my script runs in some way that it actually is almost impossible to get stuck or atleast a very low chance to get stuck.
If you get stuck womewhere just give me a report and I'll get it fixed asap. The only points it could get stuck, is by osbot interactions atm...
10) I'll be checking them later on,
11) I'll keep improving it, but I also need to find a decent amount of time to get it done.
Thx for the feedback!
Kind regards