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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. You are not using default zoom mode... I've told this multiple times before Check: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/80470-fix-default-zoom-fixed-screen-mode-problems/ Khaleesi
  2. Ya but the problem is if I add cannon support, pll running the same script will ruin eachother over ... only a limited amount of pll would be able to run the script without getting screwed over by other I'll see about the special attack! Khaleesi
  3. Nope it doesn't, I could add them though. On rooftops staminas aren't really required right? Khaleesi
  4. I see, never noticed that before. I'll add some failsafes for that ^^ Thx! Khaleesi
  5. ya a butler should get you +-1200/h
  6. Screenshot it and put it here please
  7. Do you have zoom level on feault? Will check this issue out thx! Don't use breaks then, simple. Same would also happen if you are inside abyss. use DEFAULT ZOOM and FIXED SCREEN mode. I can run it for 24h+ on multiple accs ... Khaleesi
  8. It is... YOU are doign something wrong, probs not using fixed screen mode or not using default zoom ... Change that to default and if it still happends, which should surprise me. I'm happy to help ^^ Khaleesi
  9. Hi, short answer: NO. I told that guy I'd personally refund him since he wasn't eligable for a trial. OSBot handles refunds and you'll get one if the script does not hold what it promises. For example if I tell put "this script is absolutely flawless and does all agility courses" but then half of them are broken and I don't fix them, then you'd get a refund. An example of a non-refund is "omg this script got me banned". However, to avoid confusion and unsatisfied customers, I offer free trials to all of my scripts so that you may try it before purchasing. Hope that answers your question, Khaleesi
  10. I did check the issue. It's indeed an issue in the client and I have reported it to the devs. Hoping for a quick fix soon! Khaleesi
  11. Will check out, probs issue in the client Thx for heads up. Will keep you up to date!
  12. Make sure to use default zoom and not fully zoomed out ...
  13. I'll have an update ready very soon, sorry for the delays. Having a hectic week at my new job -_- Khaleesi
  14. Try using the V100 version of osbot, were some issues with the client. Let me know how it went plz
  15. Sure, just equip your mage gear.
  16. Sure ^^ You got a few hours trial Test it out . Try to avoid falador, it's a hotspot ... lot of pll getting banend there. Khaleesi
  17. Decreased sleep time, pushed V0.12
  18. sure, post on trial topic (click my signature) Yes but You'll die. You need atleast cb 11 to make the snakes not aggro what were you running? Make sure your zoom is at default settings ... it can't click the rift bcs it can't calculate the right position. Working on a abyss rework soon Khaleesi
  19. Script updated to V0.11: - Uses "Make 10" while making dragonhides bodys now - Shouldn't walk behind furnace from now on. Let me know if it still does that Khaleesi
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