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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Maybe in the future, botting quests is kinda asking for bans at this point
  2. Because the current method works just fine, there is always 500 ways to do something in this game and basicly it is always the same thing
  3. Doesn't say anything, grab a screenshot instead will say a lot more
  4. No sorry You can't logout in the course as skeletons keep attacking you afaik
  5. eat food and bank for it, cheap and fast ^^ I won;t take a look at that for now, sorry
  6. Ya no trials on this script
  7. You can not logout as you are under attack by the skeletons all the time, the only good anti pk would be to pk the actual pkr..
  8. I won't add combination runes as ther eis no good solution for these, you would need binding necklaces so you would have to leave the game and bank for more After that wait 10 min for the next game -_- 5-7 is pretty normal, once you can youse the giant pouch and colossal pouch the point will increase. Also an abyssal lantern on extra points helps
  9. 8 watering buckets, seed dibber and a spade
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