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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Activated the trial for you Enjoy!
  2. Checking it out right now EDIT: Thx for the report! Script udpated to V1.19: - Fixed several "super" potions Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi! Enjoy the trial
  3. Just add a null check before you get details out of a widget ... if(bucket != null && bucket.getAmount() >5) You don't reayy need to use hasBuckets() == true ... You can just do hasBuckets() instead ^^ // Has Buckets Use a ! to revert the boolean => !hasBuckets() // Has no buckets
  4. This really doesn't look a good option to add to the script at this point ... I might take look at this at a later point
  5. I just ran the script for 6 hours yesterday bcs I needed void on my main ... It enters the boat even faster then a human could enter the boat. So I'm just guessing here but are you using mirror mode? Mirror mode is very slow in general and that will be your issue... It already attacks monster near the portal until the portal opens? What else would you do in the meantime?
  6. Enjoy your trial Good to hear you like the script!
  7. Sucks to hear! Going to take a look at the antiban this weekend and see if I can upgrade it
  8. Will do some tests! Thx man
  9. Ya I see... Will take a look at that with mirror mode I always try on injection since mirror isn't 100% stable on that kind of stuff HAve you tried in on injection or only mirror?
  10. Let me know if you see somehting I can improve
  11. The status is just in the paint ^^ Pricing isn't 100% since osbuddy feels like being offline all the fucking time nowadays Need to find a new way for that
  12. Well there is no difference between your cannon and someone else cannon ... it will always try to fill up the closest cannon I can't really think of easy and good way to check what is your cannon here
  13. Sure man! Enjoy your trial! Glad to hear
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