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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ya mirrors tends to act a bit strange sometimes ...
  2. Khal Fletcher (All ine One) updated to V1.12: - Added full CLI support (Automated farming) - Fixed some minor issues with loading and saving files - Saving and loading multiple files is now possible Will be live soon! Enjoy!
  3. did you have runescape original client open?
  4. Use fixed screen mode Show some code aswell ^^
  5. Khal Fishing trawler updated to V1.04: - Fixed some issue with boarding gangplank Will be live soon! Enjoy!
  6. Ya i'm aware looking for the problem
  7. That's not a script issue, that's mirror mode Nothing I can change about that really You think I put code in there to hover a stump? right... Maybe chaging reaction time to 50ms could solve this for you Try it without mirror mode if you doubt it
  8. Takes a few hours Depedns wat you locations you used probably, not everyhwere is a dead tree
  9. Could have just reported earlier, instead of waiting a month? Thx for the report Fixed in V1.42, will be live in a few hours.
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