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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. It has nothing to do with the script Sir or blast furnace itself. you are using mirror mode I assume? and that's causing this issue for you it shouldn't refill the coal bag, should just put the coal on the belt instead. WIll check this out on mirror and see if I can find a fix for that ^^
  2. Do you mind sharing me a screenshot? Never heard such a bug report and I know 50+ people are runnig this. Are you on fixed screen mode?
  3. No sorry. Some combinations don't work. If you don't have lunars you can't use pouches for exmaple. You need a way to repair them. (Done by NPC contact) None of my scripts are under maintenance. everything you see is done by a purpose.
  4. Could be a thing on mirror mode... has always been less stable. It just doesn't put the coal on the belt right?
  5. Sure have fun! Some get banned some get 99's and pets Hard to tell really There are no broken settings in the script. You probably just didn't enable the breaking at the top...
  6. Use fixed screen mode and zoom out? Use fixed screen mode and zoom out? Can't see Can you send me another screenshotN Use fixed screen mode and zoom out? Impossible to get banned this quick.... Iit's literally impossible. Unless you got chainbanned on same IP with another acc... It works perfect for the other 100+ people , you just need another setup... Fixed screen mode and zoom out. Send em a screenshot fo your game client when it's running plz Enjoy!
  7. inventory = getInventory(); player = myPlayer(); bank = getBank(); Has to be done in onStart or in Onloop.
  8. Sure I know, but it doesn't matter at all Shouldn't even have an item selected to start banking ... that's the problem. The deselecting is just a failsafe incase of some lagg. Seems like mirror has some stupid issue there
  9. Sur!e enjpy! one time payment -> Lifetime access
  10. Then it deselected it that way? Thats what it does when it has an item selected..
  11. Did it accidently select an item by any chance?
  12. Haha ya it shows up when u select seers
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