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$250.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Thx for the feedback, I'm currently adding some other options aswell so will take a look at this. On my main with 99 range I was getting around 400-500k/h at some point ^^ But all depends on your luck though ^^
  2. Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Detailed feature list: - Supports almost every method possible - Supports every staff - Support banking across the whole map - Task based setup for easy progressive leveling - Humanlike/AFK idles - CLI support to automate farms - Supported normal spellbook Low + high alching All curse spells Curse spells in combination with High alching (Stun alching, ...) Curse + Alching + Telepotting mode at Ardougne knights Splashing Superheat all bars Enchants all bolts Enchants all jelwelry Teleporting (all teleports) Teleporting + High alching combination - Supported Lunars spellbook: Lunars Bake pie Lunars humidify Lunars spin flax Lunars super glass make (Seaweed + Big seaweeds) (Pickup or leave option overflow of glass) Lunars string jewelry Lunars plank make Lunars Tan leather - Supported Arceuus spellbook: Arceuus Degrime (all herbs) Arceuss Demonic offering (All ashes) Custom Breakmanager: - Setup Bot and break times - Randomize your break times - Stop script on certain conditions (Stop on first break, Stop after X amount of minutes, Stop when skill level is reached) - Worldhopping - Crucial part to botting in 2023! Script queueing: - Support queueing multiple script in a row - All Khal scripts support flawless transitions in between scripts - Start creating your acc in a few clicks from scratch to multiple 99's - Flawless CLI support - Learn more here: How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 1127:ScriptFile.BreakFile.DiscordFile SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form (Note that with some bot managers you do not need to specify -script 1127): -script 1127:TaskList1.4515breaks (With breaks) -script 1127:TaskList1.4515breaks.discord1 (With breaks & discord) -script 1127:TaskList1..discord1 (NO breaks & discord)
  3. I see you both already had a trial before ..
  4. Will be taking a look at this asap
  5. Glad to hear it's fixed ^^ Mirror can be a pain sometimes, restarting usually fixes everything
  6. Have you tried restarting the client? Could it be that you are using mirror? looks like some weird error, not sure what causes this... Let me know what it does after restarting the whole client. Also if you use mirror try to hook mirror before logging in to the account, that way everything gets loaded properly ^^ Somtimes it can fuck up somehow
  7. You might wanna show some more info if you want some help ^^
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