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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Not many people get 99 because the exp/h is so low and it take a huge a mount of botting
  2. Ya that's possible ^^ Will be doing some updates very soon
  3. Just don't use chisel while running and don't use human idles
  4. And when or why does is it take breaks? I honestly run this about 2h every day on my main to smelt gold and never noticed this
  5. Ya will be taking a look at it.
  6. Enjoy! Whatever you prefer really ...
  7. WIll be taking a look, nope thats not supported
  8. Could be a thing... ^^ I honestly always played runescape using osbot client xD Recently started using runelite bcs of some handy plugins
  9. Runelite feature is still pretty buggy for most people, BUT... Basicly using osbot injection client or the runelite client is exactly the same. The are both 3rd party clients that use injection and that's all jagex can see. Mirror is intented to work with the original client, so jagex can see you just their client and not some 3rd party client. So using runelite would probably be the same as using injection. (Since runelite is basicly that) It was added recently bcs it was requested a lot... No idea why it was added eventually though. Exactly ^
  10. Updates rarely affect any of my script, unless it changes the area or ingame UI that's being used. More likely because mirror mode is pretty buggy in the current state Just try to restart client, that's what solces most issues for mirror mode
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