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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Enjoy! Make sure to take a lot of breaks, Take a read here: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v3/
  2. Khal Thieving updated to V1.02: - Fixed runing away from guards and ardy knights - Fixed hovering fruit stalls - CLI loading updated Will be live soon! Khal
  3. it's better to just ignore them, if you are afking and the bots dismisses a random 0.5 sec after spawning, seems pretty botlike to me. Just ignore them
  4. Try this: Remove the whole osbot folder and run it again after that Note that till will clear all your accounts and proxies out of osbot C:\Users\YOURNAME\OSBot
  5. You already have a expired trial?
  6. Thx for the support guys!
  7. Basicly if you enable human delays/idle it waits instead of clicking. I guess I could sperate those options so you can choose ^^
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