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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Will check this out, thx for posting
  2. Just to be clear, me and Krr didn't have any partnership. He just ran an Ad on my discord for his Discord channel where he sold Accounts, services and gold, I never posted once or interfered with a trade on his discord, never even posted or checked out that discord, nor do I sell Accounts, services and gold. The previous trade you mentioned that someone got "scammed" by Krr was refunded right after. I dealt with this because the trade happend because of my discord server and channel at that time where we were selling stuff together. And just because this trade I cancelled my partnership with Krr that day, He started his own server "Elite accounts" where I had nothing to do with, except for the ad he ran in my server to promote "Elite accounts". If you paid by paypal, just go report the payment and dispute it.
  3. Hello, thanks for the feedback. I should never faila game though, so that's pretty strange it should atleast get enough activity. Could you maybe share some screenshot when it's doing nothing for example? Try to restart the client, sometimes it gets stuck and get very slow I will ahve a look at the defend knight, it should not run back to the middle all the time obviously. For the brawler issue I'm working on something to navigate around them, still testing a lot of cases though.
  4. Thanks for letting me know, will check this out!
  5. Khal Runecrafter (All in One) updated to V3.32: - Added failsafe when inventory full of talismans - Fixed issue with Necklace of passage - Fixed issue with Digite pendant Will be live soon Enjoy!
  6. Ya I did, will check this out and see
  7. Khal tempoross updated to V1.04: - Script auto zooms out to prevent people from ruuning it zoomed in. - Auto sets fixed screen mode and severla other settings - Dragon harpoon in the inventory has been fixed Live soon! Enjoy!
  8. Oh doesn't that require special setups for the guards?
  9. Enjoy! Will check! Well Zoom it out, it results in better exp rates and lower bann rates
  10. You can just put the image url instead of the imgure stuff in front ^^ https://i.imgur.com/sLhY6BQ.png Enjoy!
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