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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I will add so it always teleport outside the house, you can set that in the House setting aswell but we already discussed this on Discord
  2. You seem to have a expired one already Enjoy!
  3. Enjoy! ;D Well it's hard to tell Bann completely depends on you own style of botting. Take a lot of breaks and switch skills to lower bann rates
  4. I can take a look at it, it's not added at this point. Enjoy!
  5. It will only take food whenever it needs food, won't take food when it's full hp
  6. I will have a look at that! Thanks for reporting
  7. You already have an expired trial on this script
  8. Ya if you start with the flakes in your inventory it won't bank them
  9. Try to right click and open in new tab, that usually fixes it Google Chrome is a pain lately
  10. sedn me a screenshot when it's running and it's in that state so I can check
  11. Will take a look at that! Doors are always an issue for bots, especially if people open and close all time -__-
  12. Ya doesn't matter where the character is, it should continue fromt he point it is. If that is what you mean
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