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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. check the getTabs().open method
  2. I can take a look at that Good suggestion!
  3. I can take a look at it, you would fill it whenever your inventory is full I guess? Or how does this improve the speed?
  4. You already have an expired trial Sir
  5. 1) Download osbot cliebt on top of the page 2) Start it and login 3) Press the start button in the client to select your script There are tons of guides on here or if you just google it Enjoy!
  6. No trials on this script
  7. I can take a look at that
  8. no trials on this script
  9. I can take a look at it
  10. on the top of the client there is a keyboard and mouse icon, if you enabled the mouse or keyboard you can typ or move your mouse
  11. how would you restore prayer then?
  12. Just learn the basics and then try to write some yourself. Check other open source projects for idea on how to tackle certain things
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