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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ya do not use a while loop. You can use a Timer and set it to 2-3 seconds and reset it every time u animating and only start interacting or crafting when the timer is not running
  2. I don't think you can retrieve those values tbh, the only method available is getBot().getTimeUntilNextBreak();
  3. Khal Snither (All in One) updated to V1.17: - Banking efficiency improved - Banks noted items on start Live soon! Enjoy
  4. Khal Crafter updated to V3.08: - Banking improved - Banks noted items on start Live soon! Enjoy
  5. Khal Magic updated to V1.38: - Banking fficiency improved - Banks noted items on start Live soon! Enjoy
  6. return true => starts the breakhandler retrun false => stopts the breakhandler Every other logic is up to you how you want to implement it ^^ Have some kind of method in the breakmanager to set a variable which you can check in shouldActivate
  7. Hmm it should upgrade to it but only when it's going to bank in the chest, if you are using the depositbox it will never do it
  8. I was looking at my crafter It can just do withdraw all right?
  9. Ya but that's just chopping oaks right? Nothing to do with plankmaking
  10. Works for me, can you grab a screenshot fo the whole client when running and check the logger? Make sure to also have restarted your cleint after today OSBot update Not sure what you mean by this because all banking code is shared between all my scripts. So if 1 does it like that another will do it aswell... IS withdraw X selected in the bank? and 14 pieces correct?
  11. Yes you can chop oaks and make planks from them in woodcutting guild
  12. Ya that's not supported atm, it's on my todo list to check ti out though!
  13. Thanks for letting me know, will take a look at it
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