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Trade With Caution
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About FletchingNL

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  1. @@Mods. I am requesting to be placed in TWC. As I believe someone is trying to get me banned. I usually trade via skype and as a result don't ask for feedbacks on Osbot as most of my traders come from ingame, skype or sythe. Was curious to see how this came about so I checked the guy who added me on skype and it turns out it was a different skype to the skype that the user posted. His thread. The skype's are different and I believe whoever added me on skype was trying to get me to confirm that I was talking to him. I feel very guilty that this occurred due to me pming the user and am willing to refund the user for his loss if deemed necessary by the mods. // May take some time due to being scammed. Either way I wish to be put into TWC so anything like this cannot occur again. Many thanks Fletching.
  2. @Dex To confirm I didn't edit/change the skype conversation. Conversation with @Imateamcape I got scammed by Dead Botting (Youtuber) for 120m 07. Which was the majority of my spare cash. I had a buyer which I could re-sell his Sdmm gold for a little profit for however he went offline. @Imateamcape trusted me with 1m sdmm and I paid him back the 1m sdmm as my buyer went offline and I couldn't afford the 1m without my buyer buying it first. (Lost all my sdmm/07 spare to getting scammed) This was at ~ around the same time i was talking to @@Saimonas on skype I'm sure @Imateamcape would be happy to confirm our skype chat is real. 19:33:03] Ima Teamcape: when can u give me the 10.5m? [19:33:06] FletchingNL : trading you [19:33:18] FletchingNL : or I can just re-sell it if you dont need the gp rn [19:33:23] FletchingNL : Uh. [19:33:30] FletchingNL : Maybe an hour? [19:33:35] FletchingNL : If He comes back on [19:33:40] Ima Teamcape: alright ill check back in soon [19:33:47] FletchingNL : l thanks bud [19:34:33] FletchingNL : if im not on skype [19:34:39] FletchingNL : spam me on one of my acc's [19:34:50] Ima Teamcape: just stay on Skype lol [20:16:20] Ima Teamcape: ready? [20:17:54] Ima Teamcape: ? [20:18:51] Ima Teamcape: and you’re not on rs... [20:18:58] FletchingNL : yo sorry [20:19:08] FletchingNL : No sorry [20:19:13] FletchingNL : Can I meet you? I'll pay you the 1m [20:19:15] FletchingNL : or whatever [20:19:19] FletchingNL : I'll buy the 400k [20:19:26] FletchingNL : and give you 600k back if thats cool? [20:19:34] FletchingNL : People coming over for pre-drinks [20:19:45] Ima Teamcape: give me the 1m for now, and tell me when you’re ready to buy it all i’d rather not increment it [20:20:10] FletchingNL : sure [20:20:11] FletchingNL : sorry about this [20:20:18] Ima Teamcape: right… I’m in lumby on sdmm [20:20:22] FletchingNL : I got scammed for all my spare cash so cant stock up on each [20:20:27] Ima Teamcape: [20:20:33] FletchingNL : I had a buyer lined u [20:20:39] FletchingNL : whenwhewhen you pm'd me [20:20:42] FletchingNL : But he logged out [20:21:35] FletchingNL : w38 m8 [20:21:56] Ima Teamcape: hopping over [20:22:40] Ima Teamcape: ..? [20:22:43] Ima Teamcape: i can check pm.. [20:22:49] Ima Teamcape: screenie* not pm HIDDEN BY PP [20:23:30] Ima Teamcape: confirmed me [20:23:31] FletchingNL : trading with you yeah? [20:23:38] FletchingNL : Sorry mate [20:23:39] Ima Teamcape: received it back [20:23:48] FletchingNL : Broke back mountain for me rn [20:23:51] FletchingNL : Back to the flax fields [20:45:37] Ima Teamcape: yo someone gave u a negative feedback HIDDEN BY PP Also just for fair notice I owe @Decode I believe 24m 07 and I am making the gp to pay it back as soon as Possible. TDLR: Not Scamming/Quitting, In the long run I'll always make more money trading then making new accounts and scamming people, which is my goal. @Dex Mine and @@Saimonas's PM convo I'm sure @Maldesto or yourself can confirm these are real and not edited. @Dex the overlap of skype/osbot is due to me being on Linux and Gyazo screengrabs underlying programs such as terminal skype ect. Also @Decode and @Zerker are very Generously paying me back 500m 07. 150/500 paid. Which they didn't have to do, but kindly offered due to a deal which went badly. Due to this I believe this gives me no motive to scam // anything under 350m which could cause my re-payment of 350m 07 to be affected, removed or stopped completely. I hope to get this resolved asap. Many thanks Fletching.
  3. Disputed Member:[member=username] http://osbot.org/forum/user/239923-saimonas/ Why it should be removed: No clue what it's about. Details: He added me skype to buy an account and left me negative feedback not sure why. [19:50:13] Saimonas: Hey [19:51:05] FletchingNL : Hey, what can I do for you? [19:51:33] FletchingNL : You the guy selling the dwh on seasonals? [19:55:12] Saimonas: Yeah but I'm interested in your accounts youre sellin [19:56:19] FletchingNL : Oh awesome, any offers on the dwh yet? They're 1.5m each still have 13 days members I got 3 accounts, how many you looking for? [19:58:45] Saimonas: 1 but I'm new to osbot can you pm me http://osbot.org/forum/user/239923-saimonas/ [20:00:36] FletchingNL : Sure sent [20:02:56] FletchingNL : Hello? [20:12:28] FletchingNL : Yo? lol [20:57:26] FletchingNL : Why did you leave me a negative feedback for scamming Link to topic: NA
  4. Picture of stats: All lvl 1 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) no 4. Pictures of the quests completed no 5. The price you will be starting bids at no 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 1.5m 07 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 8. Your trading conditions you go first or mm 9. Pictures of the account status all lvl 1 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I'm OO. Hi, So I got 2-5 accounts I'm selling which I used as alts for 6 hour protection deadman mode. Useless now so selling them cheap they have 14 days members. As of 8th October pm me or skype me fletchingnl.osbot
  5. Can I have an alt running ess to me on this?
  6. Didn't kill dbuffed. Hang yourself. lul Died for max slayer gear. (First black mask ingame) Karil top dh legs, rune boots. Had to only tank from greater demons to exit from nieve dung. Had 12 brews in my inventory + 6 tuna tatoes. Lul + Tons of super sets/supplies
  7. Doubt anyone bots on their main unless their retarded anyway.
  8. I'm suing Dbuffed for Slander and inflammation as this has affected both me and my work environment.
  9. The only reason I'm posting is because I'm being made out to be a cunt by a friend and a trusted person on this site, when I'm not.
  10. I've tried talking to him via Pm's but he wants to create a witch hunt
  11. 1. I didn't lure or kill him. I told him about the pyramid as a way to make money at the start. I had just gone through alkharid and he asked me if it was clear so I said yes. Yet apparently he died. He then logged out so I put the "I lured dbuffed for 9 crafting" joke post under my picture as I thought he rage quit. My account at pyramid is 8 combat which I use to fund my main. My main account was efficiently questing waterfall/tree gnome fight arena ect. 2. You told me ingame you were flipping fishing rods because you had died previously, I presumed with the 10k. 3. I wasn't on skype as it was making my game lag. & I wasn't on Osbot cause it was xp waste and I wanted to get everything done quick. I came on at like 10pm when I was going to bed and had like 14 notifications. 4. I even offered to give you 50k seeing as it's not much money to me as you can make it in 20 minutes at pyramid. 5. Decode/Zerker are still generously, paying back a private deal and why on earth would I risk a lot of money over 50k. 5. It's a Shame you've called a witch hunt on me when I thought you were my friend. And if anyone's playing Seasonals feel free to an Xericano if you need help or whatever. (Stay out of multi)
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