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  1. lol its not about the spot being ban heavy its about you botting smart, use mirror client with breaks and you will be fine.
  2. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) none 4. Pictures of the quests completed none 5. The price you will be starting bids at 5m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 13m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 8. Your trading conditions mm 9. Account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Yes
  3. Such bs right khal? He went back and sold 1 of the accounts for 115$ such bs right? literally bought it for 25$ and sold for 115$ bs right?
  4. LOL YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPEND. the person who bought the account from me was an account reseller and now he listed it for 120$ l0l he sold 70/70/70's for 100$+ they are only worth 10m on osbot because people lowball the shit out of everything
  5. yes thats true but its player auctions and if that happens they will usually refund them i guess i got to gain some trust but i don't know possibly how to as the only way to is sell.
  6. So i recently decided to start selling accounts on player auctions not that any of you care but anyways i have no reputation and listed my main 70/72/70 nmz ready for 60$ after a week it did not sell so instead dropped it down to 40$ and now i dropped it down to 30$ and still no one is buying lol and i clearly stated that i was giving the email login and ip created with i felt like sharing this with you guy's just incase any of you decide to start selling of the bat on any other sites or maybe here make sure you build a reputation before anything.
  7. sure and now your the highest bidder looking for atleast 15-20m
  8. Offer up on anything in my inventory don't lowball lmfao http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198106475551/inventory/
  9. copy what picture lmfao? whats your skype ill screenshare.
  10. not teaching sorry and i got the email at 12:50 http://prntscr.com/75a2bm
  11. i think your partially brain dead first of all why in the world would i tell anyone the method when there are money hungry skids like you in this world, 2nd of all if i ever fail i will return the money you idiot so don't make assumptions when you don't know what your talking about and i wont take any money upfront you queer now get off my thread you have been pissing me of slowly and now it just went out the roof i am sorry.
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