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  1. I didn't know a void method could return a value Set up constants and then just do like if (setting < 1) or boolean hasStarted() { return api.getsetting(questSetting) > 0; } can be done a million ways other than the way that @Juggles posted.
  2. Trained with defensive mage or melee training, defense isn't really needed anyways. I ran mage only accounts with 85 mage 1 def and they are good, they just level up defense as they kill zulrah.
  3. Meh I guess its debatable, my accounts last months on datacenter proxies. Really its the method that i'm gold farming that determiners how long my accounts last. I have some methods that last 3-6 months+, some last ~1-3 weeks
  4. Yeah botting low hours can be easy to get away with, just gotta be able to do that on a lot of accounts.
  5. I'm pretty sure Jagex doesn't use mouse data to determine bans, especially since mobile release.
  6. Definitely Zulrah accounts, they sell very fast especially if you're trusted. That would be the way to go, if you can pump them out, you can make a lot of money.
  7. Just bot nmz, it is fairly safe. If you planned on making a new account then you don't really risk anything getting it permed.
  8. You can't boost slayer for this quest. Just get a task, then run walk to the task spot and use any auto fighter to do it for you
  9. Get a nano ledger, best wallet for security, its a physical one and costs about $50
  10. Oh okay because I have stealth quester and I was going to just run it for a few hours on a bunch of quests
  11. Wendys, the $4 for 4 is the best deal JBC all day
  12. Did you do them all at once or take breaks between quests
  13. You more than likely won't get a two day ban like everyone else said. They stopped giving those out really. They give perm bans 90% of the time unless you are very lucky.
  14. ?? Zeah is accessible again
  15. I can't use stealth quester for more than 2 quests or risk a ban?
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