I didn't know a void method could return a value
Set up constants and then just do like
if (setting < 1)
boolean hasStarted() {
return api.getsetting(questSetting) > 0;
can be done a million ways other than the way that @Juggles posted.
Trained with defensive mage or melee training, defense isn't really needed anyways. I ran mage only accounts with 85 mage 1 def and they are good, they just level up defense as they kill zulrah.
Meh I guess its debatable, my accounts last months on datacenter proxies. Really its the method that i'm gold farming that determiners how long my accounts last. I have some methods that last 3-6 months+, some last ~1-3 weeks
Definitely Zulrah accounts, they sell very fast especially if you're trusted. That would be the way to go, if you can pump them out, you can make a lot of money.
You more than likely won't get a two day ban like everyone else said. They stopped giving those out really. They give perm bans 90% of the time unless you are very lucky.