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Single Core

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Everything posted by Single Core

  1. All I know is. My account got locked when I kept switching Ip's from my VPN. Then I activated the authenticator. And it stopped locking my account. I still think the main load of bans comes from a combination of reports + their implemented bot system. So if you would bot in an unknown location. I think you're mainly safe. Also a half decent anti-ban and some breaks might be recommanded.
  2. Get the x- y coords of the grounditem. And calculate the offset. And make it interact with a new point.
  3. So I recently bought a 1440p screen. Now I am wondering if anyone else on here has one? Please put your thoughts below My opinion: I am never going back to 1080p. It's just awesome. Love the display, colors, everything about it. Cons: Some minor light-bleeding, the price ( 450 euro, 600 dollar) My screen: ASUS PB278Q
  4. Depends if they are a Pmod or a JMod I think. PMods don't have any powers.
  5. get an I5 4670k and overclock it to be sure
  6. Remove religion. K solved another crisis please award me with a nobel prize.
  7. I'll put it in perspective you lost sleep over 15$ ?
  8. I'd like to simply hide my paint but I can't seem to get the MouseListener to function properly. Any input why this is happening?
  9. Under 1k: MSI - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152570 Gigabyte - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834233023R I'll look a bit further for an acer for you, but I don't really like that brand to be honest.
  10. Really depends on what you are botting. I doubt u'll get a ban for botting alching. Getting banned right after an update could be a delayed ban, from last week for example.
  11. Simple AIO Chopper by me It's free I second this. I might even take you up on it.
  12. Game of thrones. Some more series I watch/watched: - Kyle XY - Continuum - Leverage - Breaking bad Some new series I've recently found: - Finding carter - The Strain (Watch this, you won't regret it) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2654620/ - Tyrant - Hostages
  13. Yeah, paypal should create a 'you can't get this money back' send option.
  14. Made over 14m (It's my script, I'll release it when I get permission to )
  15. 99 attack 99 strength 99 defence 99 hp 1 prayer
  16. I've tried using the robot class, didn't seem to be working ?
  17. Is there a way to speed it up?
  18. - I'd recommand getting a 128 - 256gb(75 - 150$) SSD, or maybe a cheap 512GB SSD( 200$ ) - Better Graphics card (GTX 760 - 770) - Lower the processor I5 4670 should be sufficient. - 8 GB ram would be more then enough. Get to know some more details abouts PSU & Motherboard.
  19. new Position(2513, 3765, 0).interact(getBot(), "Walk here");
  20. If Jagex really wanted to ... if folder #homeDir/OSBot exists Ban ...
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