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  1. Dude we out here holy shit

  2. Wow! I really liked this, keep it up
  3. Yes. The reason it's working is because you're very very familiar with the code and I bet you if I asked you to tell me where a part of the code is, you could easily recall exactly where to find it. This, unfortunately, doesn't usually work in the long term. Especially if you come back to the codebase after a long break, or if someone else attempts to work on it. I still think it's great what you've done, though. The best way to learn is to actually write code. A lot of people are very good at talking about things, but never learn much because they don't put things into practice. Well done
  4. Great job, but I think you will realise the importance of good program design when you attempt to maintain this project. Every time you try to change something, it's going to be a big headache.
  5. Looking for someone a bit higher division than Silver 3 but thanks My preferred role is mid, but I also play a fair amount of adc and top.
  6. Silver V and EUW. i didn't take ranked seriously at all until now, so I don't think I belong in this division. At my current standing, I would say I can play at high silver/low gold. I've played games with a Gold V friend of mind and outperformed him a few times. I'm wildy inconsistent at the moment. At times, I'd say I play at a bronze standard, at other times I might be pushing plat standard.
  7. I recently started playing LoL a few months ago and now I've decided to start taking it more seriously. I'm looking for a high tier LoL player to play with me or watch me play and help me to improve. I'm willing to invest a lot of time into this, and I will take our sessions together seriously. My skype is: noble.stark1.
  8. Good evening, I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction on a question i had, for the barrows script you wrote. How would I go about writing the method for solving the puzzles underground in the crypt? More specifically, using the api, how to distinguish between the different puzzles and tell which one is on the screen at the time? Thank you for your time and help. -Immortal

  9. Family always comes first. Stay strong, I wish you the best @Maxi.
  10. Please share any flaws you find in the code. I want this to be a learning aid for scripters. If there are parts you don't like, let us all know so new scripters don't pick up bad habits from my code
  11. Probably never actually going to finish this script off, so here it is for free. I hope new scripters will be able to learn from the code. Feel free to use this code in your own scripts, but please don't try to use this code in your premium scripts. https://github.com/TriHard/OSBot/tree/master/StarkBarrows
  12. I hope at least someone finds this useful. I know I had a few people asking how they would structure a script building script like this. The code isn't the best, but it's okay. Feel free to use the code in any of your scripts. Thanks to @Brainfree for the pathfinding code. https://github.com/TriHard/OSBot/tree/master/LegoScriptCreator There's also an unfinished slayer script for Advertising other bots isn't allowed. if you want to take a look at that: https://github.com/TriHard/Advertising other bots isn't allowed./tree/master/THSlayer
  13. Someone let me teamviewer you when you recreate the bugs with Stark Mercher and I will happily fix.. Haven't had one decent bug report

  14. hey stark your mech script sucks balls please fix.

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