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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by nenkido

  1. how can i get a pin for photoshop i aready used the trail on my laptop
  2. i think its all about being reported i think if you are reported more then once... then you get banned. I just got banned again on my 4th account a day after my 3 wcers were banned.... im thinking my ip is flagged?
  3. seriously we paying for vip seems like a we dissapeared jagex sued us kinda thing
  4. nenkido


    what happened to shakur.
  5. nenkido

    BETA v1.7.53

    i feel like im being had with this osbot bullshit.
  6. nenkido

    BETA v1.7.53

    i feel like im being had with this osbot bullshit.
  7. nenkido

    BETA v1.7.53

    i feel like im being had with this osbot bullshit.
  8. nenkido


    lol stark left so gg
  9. so basicaly this is our goldfarming regroup and counterattack?
  10. yeah because i figured you coudn't make the private script i would want..... also i was gonna ask can this work on my laptop too?
  11. interesting because some of what this canadian guy says is true. The goverment shutdown is most likely a coverup of something else. I know this because in the past in obamas term he has came up with scandals that the public media displays while he passes laws for the nsa, or health care. The fact is obama is actualy a socailist, and him being the anticrist is debatable i dont personaly believe that.
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