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Trade With Caution
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About darkkjer

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  1. Oh and btw i don't do this cuz i wanted money( i even said this to one of the mods) i do this because eventho i trusted you back then u just bashed into me for no reason, all i really wanted was just a confession or a reason or something, it could have even been private between us two but now that you're back you still didnt even bother pm'ing me anything.
  2. Since i didnt know if you were active or not and wanted to confess my mistake to mods aswell i sent it to Solution. https://gyazo.com/99be3ee956aec05b2989cacbc3fbe8f6 And yes u did scam the very last psc-codes from me and my friends just before u quit and I'll try my very best to get proof of some mesages in which its clear im trading psc-codes for gp, but for now it seems impossible to get them. As for your evidence, its just me paying you and charging it back, that doesnt proof you didnt scam me. That only proofs that i paid you and wanted it back for a reason, i wonder why that was? And you are complaining about how hard is was to fight those chargebacks? Thats funny, my brother and one of the guys barely trust me nowadays, all because you felt like scamquiting was a good idea.
  3. DISCLAIMER: I wrote this in a hurry, so there might be some typos/badly written parts, u can alsway ask questions Ok since Lloyd got the chance to adress the whole situation i think i should have a chance to adress the whole situation aswell. I have to say i WILL NOT PAY BACK LLOYD,explanation: First off what lloyd said in this post is almost all true. Yes i chargebacked everyhting. But let me explain why. HERE'S THE WHOLE COMPLETE AND CORRECT SITUATION(Some small details who do not matter have been left out): I was always a good customer(as Lloyd said), always paid upfront even if i had to wait a while for some goods. As lloyd said i used my borthers paypal as I didn't have paypal/credit card that could be linked to paypal yet, so i paid my brother in cash so he would pay the goods to Lloyd with his paypal for me. As you can probably image this was quite annoying to involve my borther in all of this. So i convinced Lloyd( since i already trusted him at this point) to try paysafecard codes as a payment, we tested it, it worked out for both of us so this was a lot easier from now on instead of having to involve my borther each time. However this means that i no longer had proof of the payment because i just gave him a code via skype and he would give me the 07gp equivalent. Since I had already ordered over 300Euro from him with paypal, he wouldnt scam me, right? At first every trade with the paysafecard codes were smooth,i gave hima code via skype, he traded me the money on rs, it even became a habbit. Then i even got to the point were i trusted Lloyd so much that i introduced one of my irl friends, who was not an osbot member but who was looking to buy some gp aswell, to Lloyd. So basically i even got him an extra customer by telling a good friend of me this Lloyd guy was so trusted he should give his money to him to get the gp he wanted without ever getting scammed. I said that to one of my friends. I specifically said he wouldnt get scammed by Lloyd. And what do you know , the first few trades Lloyd DID pay my friend aswell to the point were even my friend started to gain some trust aswell, making him pay more and larger amounts. And then i even convinced a second friend, who was really scared to get scammed, to buy gp from Lloyd, he gave me 50 euro psc so i could buy 07 gp from Lloyd for him. So i did, i gave Lloyd 50Euro psc from my 2nd friend, 50euro psc from me and at the very same moment my first friend paid 100 psc aswell. This is the moment were Lloyd scam quit. He said he only scam quit 2 people, but the also scammed quit me and my irl friends(yes this was dumb to get my irl friends involved but at the time Lloyd had built up enough trust that i thought he woudlnt scam, guess i was wrong). So basically: He scam quit me and my friends for 200 euro psc+ 90 euro account. (Plus im not sure about this part but i think that first friend had at this moment also already ordered the same stake account as i did but im not sure about this part so ill leave this out) Now these 2 friends got to trust him because of me, from the 2nd quy it was even his very first trade ever and he got scammed right away, as you can image they both werent really happy about this and kinda took this out on me. Yes they stared to blame me and i felt bad for them,since i convinced them to give their money to Lloyd. So since they were mad at me i had to pay them back myself. They started to avoid me aswell and not trust me anymore, just because Lloyd was so greedy he decided to scam quit. NOW let's say you're in my situation: You and your friends got scammed, your friends blame you for this. The guy who scamquit already got banned and doesnt reply(i didnt just delete him, like lloyd claims, i even tried to get in contact with him which should be obv cuz i just got fcking scammed). SO i have 2 options: 1) i pay my friends back from my very own pocket cuz the scammer wont give it back or 2) try and chargeback previous paypal payments from the scammer that qause you all the trouble and that way psooibly get my money back. And guess what? logically i went for options 2, cuz i wasnt gonna pay for lloyd's deeds. Now at this point i was already of going thru all this shit and now i had to involve my brother again to be able to chargeback everything. Obv i had to explain him the situation and convince him to let me try to chargeback( which was a pain in the ass cuz he was scared he was about to get somehow scammed aswell after hearing the story). And then i havent even talked about the pain in the ass which was convinving paypal to chargeback which took me lika good 2months of hard effort. NOW you probably want proof for all of this but ill be honest and tell i dont really have any the reason, but heres why you should believe me: 1) its been over 2 years and a lot has changed, i dont have the same pc anymore, i dont have the skype messages from and to Lloyd anymore( unless you guys now an archive of some sort but i couldnt find any, if u do pleasy tell me that way i can happily proff evrything i just said) 2) the only proof which i did have was skype messages anyway cuz evry psc transaction ever happend thru skype, and since we arent friends anymore i couldnt find i way to get to the messages, ill try 3) I've been a member of osbot for quite a lon time and NEVER EVER had ANY problems WITH ANYONE i've ever traded, remember its still Lloyd who scamquit not me i never did anything. 4)I know Lloyd knows this is true and if he has the balls he'll confirm what i said and atleast that way restore he could restore some of his reputation SO in the end i got my money back and should have nothing to complain aboutif only it werent for 2friends i lost just because Lloyd was a greedy mofo, i'll be honest i should never have claimed another dispute against Lloyd because i already had my money back, but i mistakenly tought he still owed my 90 for the account because i had not realized that that was also succesfully chargebacked. And soon after i claimed a dispute and realized i was wrong i even PM'd lloyd with my apologies because i had wrongfully disputed him. Now i know its my word against Lloyd's word and wathever the osbot mods decide, im happy with either of the decision. decision1: if they realise there's no way im lying about this, im happy to keep around on this site, and as for Lloyd in that case, i have my moneyback so i dont really care about him, although imo its stupid that someone who tried to scamquit can comeback eventho everyone got his money back. that does not take away that he still tried to scamquit. decision2: if they think the word of a guy who scammed is worth more than the word of a loyal osbot-member(and just because im not that active or have less transactions completed doesnt take away im still more loyal and "nicer"than Lloyd)then i'll happily take a perm ban cuz then i would definatly never want to be faced with a community again in which the mods take the word of a scammer over the word of a loyal member.
  4. darkkjer

    LF main

    https://gyazo.com/ad3ee5c10989bbcf9050129686df1a72 has 197qp/0 offences and quite a few untradeables+ as for fb i know i dont have a lot but i have sold some high lvl acc's before + if u want i can max it out first
  5. darkkjer

    Pc main

    Pc check on this main:https://gyazo.com/ad3ee5c10989bbcf9050129686df1a72 (all stats are 50+) has range void+fc+bgloves+ dragon def+slayer mask+197 qp+ 0 offences And hm would it be worth if i maxed it out first?
  6. Not recently no, i'll contact him
  7. Lloyd (@ http://osbot.org/forum/user/60900-lloyd/) scammed me and other on this site quite a while ago since he was already banned and gone before i had the chance dispute him, i didn't reported him. Back before he scammed everyone i paid him 90$ to make me an 90/97/90 staker i paid him in advance but he never finished/delivered the account, as he was suddenly banned for scamming others. Proof: https://gyazo.com/59ff536da74ad5050b6b3843ae736ebf https://gyazo.com/add61b972c9e6328f7b307aff580e6bc
  8. So i discovered this aswell when it was a relatively unkown method and maxed 2 acc's out with this but recently i tried maxing a third and got banned pretty fast so i feel like the banrate on this method has gone up quite a bit. (just throwing out a warning for ppl thinking about doing this to max their mains, dont risk it if u cant afford it!)
  9. darkkjer

    99 Hunter

    cb 65 99 hunt 80 fletch + some other low lvl (cmb/skill) stats nothing good 0 offences value? Edit: I'm back, and potentially looking to sell this account. So current value of this account?
  10. sorry but i really want it to have 60 attack
  11. Looking for a high range and/or str dscim pure. Willing to spend quite a bit if you are trusted.
  12. IMO the starting bid is way to high for an account with a ban and those stats.
  13. Does the original email come with this account?
  14. Minimum requirement: Mith gloves, MM, animal magnetism. Doesn't need to have certain stats. Willing to spend quite a bit for a nice pure!
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