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  1. Not like you know her personally anyways.
  2. Was about to purchase V.I.P.... but after reading this thread. I'm having second thoughts now.
  3. Whats a good reason to have the ISP change the IP? I have a static IP so I cant change my IP like that.
  4. Ok will do. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/78246-ban-appeal-for-ericp29/. Found the post..
  5. I made a chatbox appeal weeks ago and no response or anything .
  6. Wait so this means that you do not have to manually update anymore? Like I can just go do Mirror mode it will update by itself?
  7. I'm good fam, you worked nobody's nerve but your own when you read my first comment. Enough said .
  8. Reevaluate my life? I am actually doing really well for myself considering I am only 17 years old. You're judging me based off a couple flame comments I made towards you. I think you should be the one who should be reevaluating, this a battle you can't win, just stay in your lane kid. And have a good evening.
  9. Ewww fast food restaurant? You're bugging tf out. I work two jobs and have my own car that I paid for with my own money, I find it funny how you found my first post offensive because thats what you probably are.. a fat fuck. If you call 250 lbs and sitting in a computer chair all day is very fit then I do not know what to tell you.
  10. Seems like you're one of those fat fucks then prick. I work at a job I enjoy, so piss off.. bitch ass ********a. Shoot the 39.
  11. Lol at them fat nerds raging, probably only risk they get is getting a blood clot on their ass for sitting their ugly asses in the chair all day those fat fucks. But good post tho
  12. Woah wth, how much would that cost
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