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  1. I'm selling my vBulletin 5 Connect package for $120 USD. I will transfer the registered email to whatever you like along with giving you access to the recoveries. I'd be more than willing to use a trusted middleman service if you so choose. Please add me on skype if you are interested: willpeidl
  2. Currently using this service for 'The Underground Pass' EDIT: done the quest, very quickly. Thanks!
  3. Very unprofessional service. Yesterday I bought a $25 prepaid credit card and attempted to buy 18m from Yohogold.com, however before making the purchase I was told there current stock was only 12m. Logically, I figured I'd buy out 12m stock that night and buy the other 6m the following day. The trade went through and all was fine. Today, after buying the other 6m I received a message stating that I had not purchased a high enough amount and the money would be refunded to my account. This was AFTER the payment had successfully gone through. No where on the site did it say there is a minimum purchase rate and the automated system, in fact, allows you to buy in increments as low as 1m. I now have to wait up to 30 days for my money to be refunded. If you plan on using this service I strongly recommend you inquire about the current stock before finalizing any purchases. Though you'd be better off using a more reliable service that supplies you with any necessary information before accepting your money.
  4. Sorry guys, ye they were all botted through tut island but they haven't been used for anything else. Added the info to the OP
  5. Im selling Lvl 3 accounts that are done tut island, no other stats. All the accounts were botted through tutorial island and haven't been online since. 150k each account Current stock: 92
  6. Why would someone create a fake version of this image when they could simply open a second client and attempt to sign into their account.
  7. people who make retarded threads should be permabanned.
  8. trying to figure out weather that was a planned double entendre or if it was completely accidental.
  9. I think you handled this extremely poorly.
  10. I know it's over-looked by most people on the internet, but I love how formal and informative your threads are. Thanks for the update, maxi!
  11. Another excellent sale! Just received $50 for 20m, all fees paid, went smoothly. Thanks Divica!
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