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Everything posted by BotRS123

  1. WE COULD. but you gotta admit, using a phone is so much easier It is much easier to chargeback from your phone than it is on PayPal. Maybe the admins don't want to deal with that.
  2. If you can get a paysafe card, why can't you get a prepaid card to use with PayPal?
  3. I don't mind people asking for help. I just don't like how people don't use their brains and search the forums before asking.
  4. As you said meh... not that great.
  5. I've updated the thread with all its current features. What else should I add?
  6. I don't think it is needed, but I don't mind it if they get it.
  7. This is still happening. I just saw it happen again.
  8. Somehow, they are bypass the restriction.
  9. I reported a few, but they just end up posting it again.
  10. It seems that users with less than 20 posts are somehow able to post in the market area. Has the scamming precaution been lifted?
  11. I would of supported it if I saw it.
  12. Make it so trial scripter's posts are not merged together. When I update my scripts, I want it bumped up to inform other members of the new changes instead of merging it.
  13. BotRS123


    Well the email system for OSbot is currently down, so email notifications aren't even possible atm. I wasn't referring to the email. It's the forum notifications for following topics.
  14. Press the "Refresh" button after you copy it over.
  15. BotRS123


    I follow all topics that I create especially the ones in my signature. Occasionally, I would notice that some posts on those thread, but I don't get a notification as I should be getting. I check the thread and I am not following it any more. Not exactly sure how I end up not following the topic. All I do is browse the forums and post, use the API, check the Store, etc.
  16. BotRS123


    This has nothing to do with Maxi. Inform @Konloch, I believe he is the script writer.
  17. BotRS123


    They are not locked. I am 100% sure.
  18. BotRS123


    Welcome back @Maxi! Time to get working Is your Skype safe now?
  19. BotRS123


    I notice that some topics I follow, will occasionally become unfollowed. So I would follow the topic again and the same thing happens. Please look into this.
  20. I do not support. If we did this, the community would be filled with scammers. No one likes a community with many scammers.
  21. BotRS123

    BETA v1.7.28

    You don't know how excited I am to hear that Maxi is back. Did he recover his Skype?
  22. I am now a Trial Scripter! :D

  23. If the script has a built-in random event, uncheck the client's "Run Away From Combat" option. @Laz mentioned that it wasn't the best before.
  24. That does not mean you ran into a frog random.
  25. I have been babysitting my bot today and it failed to detect the Frog Random twice. I thought I just inform you. Anyone know if the forums has alerts? Like @@Laz or @Laz
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