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Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. What is your Skype? : tom.regis2 Have you added my Skype?: about to How much gold are you buying?: ~35m Do you agree to my Trading Conditions?: yes Will you leave a feedback after successful trade?: yes
  2. I guess lifetime sponsor works too :P add my skype tom.regis2
  3. Add my skype, tom.regis2, I will pay via paypal. I will go first if you have decent feedback.
  4. You still have Amazon credit?

  5. Unfortunately you can't buy gift cards with gift card balance or that's what I would do. Ideally of course I'd sell 180 day memberships but amazon requires you to link your account to buy them and I can't see anyone trusting me with their login details.
  6. Not really looking for kebabs right now, will let you know in the future if I come into that market.
  7. So long story short I have around $300 of gift card balance on my Amazon and I'm looking for a method to cash out for preferably RSGP or preferably PayPal. Obviously willing to provide proof over teamviewer or whatever and to go first to trusted members. Thanks
  8. How long are you online on weekdays/weekends?: Most weekdays 7-10 hours, most weekends 14+ hours What is your Time Zone: GMT Do you have a 10M 07 Gp Deposit (Asking to work for the deposit will result in a BLOCK) : Yes but would prefer to do 5m to begin with What kind of things can you do for our services (Questing, Torsos, etc)?: Questing is my strong point, I was one of the first people to get a quest cape on an ironman account (16 days game time, can provide ingame proof) and I have quested for people in the past. I can also do torsos and void. Have you added either of my Skype ( live:teamtrustaio ) ? : Yes Why would you like to work for my services?: Might as well be doing services while playing my main. Do you agree to the TOS?: Yep PLEASE NOTE: I will not be able to do any services until I return to uni around the 21st Jan
  9. Rohbot

    BETA v1.7.13

    Same issue as above posters.
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