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Everything posted by andzelmaz

  1. is it possible to get their cmb level through api? so i could calculate whether they can attack my bot or not. I can't really find solution to find out their cmb lvl.
  2. osm, i got like 7 fat account bans because bots were stuck overnight in pinball, thanx, btw aren't you supposed to do this also:? this.randomManager.unregisterHook(randomManager.PINBALL); this.randomManager.unregisterHook(randomManager.MOLLY);
  3. hi, i'm writing script in wilderness and i need to deal with pkers. They usually do one time attack with maul when your hit points is low, and weaker bots sometimes are killed in one shot. What would be the best way to detect them?
  4. you calculate wrong profit, ess is 40-45 already so its ~68k/h , also those bots barley survive more than one day
  5. andzelmaz

    OSBot 1.8.1-6

    is this is going to disable steath injector too? "c:\<path to java>\javaw.exe" -Xmx1024m -XX:-UseSplitVerifier -Xbootclasspath/p:"C:<path to osbot>\OSBot\data\filter_2e85c861.jar" -cp "< path to jar >/osbot_latest.jar";"< path to jar >/osbot_latest.jar" org.osbot.engine.Main
  6. andzelmaz

    OSBot 1.8.1-6

    one of the best updates since v0.1beta
  7. don't get too drunk, happy b day
  8. andzelmaz


    its very good that prison pete is fixed i got couple bans just because of this, thanx
  9. is there a bot for this game?
  10. Internet success is largely based on open information sharing, preventing information from viewing wont bring any benefit to any side, its just info not intellectual property. If you compare forums with open access and restricted access it will be very clear that open forums in popularity is gazillion times bigger and domain cultivated much deeper.
  11. First of all congratulations with release, thank you for your hard work, my few cents: 1) 80 boots is a bit too much for one client, very hard to slide to numbers 1-3, please add suport with shift or reduce to 20-40 bots 2) remove check box injection stealth, why would anyone want to uncheck it 3) Its impossible to say whether you are logged in or not from ui, (macros are blind) 4) client.moveMouseTo(new RectangleDestination(dest), false, true, false) does not click, only moves mouse 5) all walking methods click mouse only once in 3-5 attempts with broken mouse i cant move forward testing
  12. superb snippet, thanx for sharing
  13. after this guide its impossible to hop into 301, there's 2k merch bods around v
  14. Open source? wow nice, it means i can FORK You
  15. it is because there nothing has been fixed, client still freezing, and much better now it started to switch off by itself, so more bugs in this release
  16. So much waited: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
  17. http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=31 http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/java.html http://www.youtube.com/user/dizauvi?feature=watch https://github.com/Stevemagegod/My-Favorite-Runescape-Scripts/tree/master/src
  18. That snippet works pretty well almost out of the box, native closestAttackableNPCForName is a bit buggy it returns not closest npc but first found in the area and npcs underattack. I ran your snippet on chickens and cows worked pretty flawlessly. I have added isInArea support and replaced isUnderAttack with canAttack also added getFacingId to be on safe side
  19. Add to first part 4. Jaggex reads your systrem UID, MAC, Computer Name and jaggexcahce folder solution spoof all this stuff every 6-8 hours. thats very easy to do
  20. Today i confirmed that osbot 1 is easily detected by jagex. i wont tell you how and what but it's the fact now, besides that jagex devs are openly mentioning this on their streams.
  21. WinXp x64 Java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at org.osbot.core.canvas.WrappedCanvas.getGraphics(Unknown Source) at client.x(client.java:779) at bw.no(bw.java:231) at bw.run(bw.java:188) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Also Doing this.randomManager.unregisterHook(RandomManager.LOGIN_SCRIPT); this.randomManager.registerHook(randomHopper); Throws at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.provideBotForComponent(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.randoms.RandomBehaviourHook.iIIIIiIIiI(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.randoms.RandomManager.registerHook(Unknown Source)
  22. andzelmaz


    1.7.71 still works much better especially walking, almost twice as fast
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