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Everything posted by IlliniGuy

  1. He even said that he fell asleep, then that he got 43 hunter, and then why did I change password? So how can he fall asleep and be getting levels at the same time especially when I changed the password 2 hours earlier? https://gyazo.com/0beeaac16e5c6472af382666db914390
  2. We never had an agreement on hand done or by bot (didn't mention it, just assumed it was gonna be by hand, like the last service he did for me) although I'm sure if you ask anyone that commented on that thread they knew they were going to have to do it by hand.
  3. He wasn't only a couple catches from 43 hunter. https://gyazo.com/311d00a7e5c10bf020ecfe16e6c87d43 4.1k xp is almost the full level of 42-43.
  4. Also, I gotta go rn, but I'll be back by tomorrow at the latest.
  5. Like I said, I tried to contact you before I did it but I got no reply, and I had to leave, so it was either do nothing and my account has a high chance of getting banned for botting hunter, or change the password.
  6. Also he doesn't even know that "he" only got 42 hunter, I got the next level when I logged on the account Picture of acc stats when I logged on: https://gyazo.com/fef64f73c7f9f2a8cb5c084b6c331fbf and inventory (so he can't say he put a lot of gold on the acc): https://gyazo.com/9cb526c9f60643f6b08152a0563dbcf0
  7. And even if this isn't a special situation, it just says I don't get a refund, not that I owe him for the full service when he only completed about half.
  8. There's nothing there that says what to do if you think you're account is being botted on. I feel like this is a special situation, because why would I just let him continue botting on the account for it to get banned?
  9. Messaged you on chatbox, buddy. But that's what I was going to ask, if he was botting or not on my account. If not I don't mind paying him for the levels he's done, but like I said I thought he was botting on my account so I instantly changed passwords, especially since he wasn't replying.
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