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Everything posted by IlliniGuy

  1. yeah i know, i apologize for my ignorance, but in my defense I thought that I did change the script name, didn't know there was some internal name to it aswell.
  2. Got it figured out now, thanks for the help!
  3. I changed the name of it so that I could have both the updated and the nonupdated versions, but it still doesn't show up even after refreshing.
  4. he says it shows up for him but not for me, know any reason why that might happen?
  5. I just got a private script and after I saved it to the same location as my other scripts it doesn't show up in my script selector. It's saved in C:\users\username\osbot\scripts
  6. You go first unless trusted. Only want BTC. Skype in signature
  7. Click my signature for my skype. You go first unless trusted or mm. BTC ONLY
  8. I can do it for 3m if you got the reqs
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