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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Well I have it set to 4, I can increase it though. I'll re-write my potion class to support higher levels I guess.
  2. Version 2.21 - Re-added banking (woops, removed it while re-writing script for some reason) - Added non-delayed walking (now it never stops walking during a path) Update should be live within an hour
  3. Hmm, well is your computer running slow because that may affect clicking etc, what is your memory allocation? edit: I have a backup method which has more accurate clicking but cmon guys, there has to be some inaccuracies otherwise it will be too botlike
  4. Use latest client + provide more details
  5. I will add this very soon, thanks for the suggestion. Version 2.42 - Fixed AFK training - Fixed minimap clicking Update should be live within an hour
  6. rsn: kwjfwoeijfw is mine dont report me pls
  7. Version 2.41 - Quick hotfix for player counting - Now hops when 7 players (including you) in the same area Thanks for the feedback, before I was only counting the players that were standing still (silly me). Anyway, update will be live within an hour.
  8. I already fixed that in version 2.4, refresh script and it won't get stuck anymore
  9. Version 2.4 - Added special attacks - Fixed AFK mode Update should be live within an hour or two
  10. Version 3.13 - Added more walk nodes to Piscatoris fishing area (monkfish) - No longer gets stuck sometimes fishing for monkfish at west spot Update should be live within a few hours.
  11. AFK mode means it will sit in one spot and train there all day, imitating a player that is AFK (Away from keyboard).
  12. Aggressive mode and minimap walking, however I sacrificed xp/hr for more human-like behaviour. Faster = less human, more ban Normal = more human, less ban
  13. Czar


  14. Now refresh scripts and it should appear (within 5-15 minutes) depending on your payment method.
  15. http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/463-perfect-crabs/
  16. Czar


    I know that feel.
  17. it works well only if i configure it myself (which i did) however it will be difficult for the user until I add a real gui and loading/saving, although, i'm literally 2-3 small features away from releasing
  18. Czar

    My TreeFilter

    looking good m9 edit; hope to see u with a blue name soon, it will match your profile pic too ;p
  19. sorry its an upcoming script, my trolling wasnt convincing enough :P the xp was at ghouls with whip or saradomin sword, its around ~49k now
  20. Well I added that to seem more humanlike.. I can tone it down however
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